Creating value together

Annual and Sustainability Report 2022

While we managed the uncertainties in the world around us we contributed in many ways to improving everyday life where people live it.

Jesper Göransson, President and CEO

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Transitioning together

For more than 60 years Peab’s business has been based on local community building. In local communities all over the Nordic region we work to improve everyday life for people where they live it. In this year’s Annual and Sustainability Report we describe our business and how it has developed over the past year.

We are in the midst of a transition. We are talking about the climate transition the whole world is facing, about safe workplaces and equality in the construction and civil engineering industry. We are talking about the choices we make to foster the sustainable development of our business and communities.

As a leading Nordic and local community builder we have a big impact on the world around us – and thereby a big responsibility. We have a responsibility to drive a positive development in the construction and civil engineering industry.

We do a lot. But we cannot make the entire transition on our own. We have to collaborate with our customers, suppliers and other partners. We need to go hand-in-hand with politicians and actors on the financial market. This is how we carry out the ongoing transition. Together.

Most satisfied customers

We should be a com­plete com­mu­ni­ty builder that of­fers total so­lu­tions. We cre­ate value for our cus­tomers through ex­pert and en­gaged em­ploy­ees.

Best workplace

We should be the ob­vi­ous choice for any­one who wants to work in the in­dus­try. Every­one should be part of safe and in­clud­ing work­places with good work con­di­tions and op­por­tu­ni­ties to de­vel­op at Peab.

Most profitable company

With our en­gaged em­ploy­ees we en­sure pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and qual­i­ty. Through our local pres­ence, and the ad­van­tage of our size and mix of op­er­a­tions, we be­come the most prof­itable com­pa­ny.

Leader in social responsibility

As the Nordic Com­mu­ni­ty Builder with a local pres­ence we take re­spon­si­bil­i­ty through in­no­va­tions and mak­ing de­mands con­cern­ing the cli­mate and en­vi­ron­ment, order and cor­rect­ness in the in­dus­try and equal op­por­tu­ni­ty. Ac­tive so­cial en­gage­ment in the com­mu­ni­ty and focus on young peo­ple’s ed­u­ca­tion are part of our fun­da­men­tal val­ues.