Quarterly Report

January – March 2018

High level of orders received with greater diversity

  • Net sales SEK 11,490 million (11,105)
  • Operating profit SEK 290 million (320)
  • Operating margin 2.5 percent (2.9)
  • Pre-tax profit SEK 256 million (311)
  • Earnings per share SEK 0.74 (0.94)
  • Orders received SEK 12,906 million (12,429)
    As of this report orders received includes part of Industry, which had an effect of SEK 1,546 million (1,760)
  • Order backlog SEK 43,055 million (38,149)
    As of this report order backlog includes part of Industry, which had an effect of SEK 3,563 million (3,459)
  • Cash flow before financing SEK -390 million (1,788)
  • Net debt SEK 1,709 million (416)
  • Equity/assets ratio 33.4 percent (32.6)