Business area Industry
Business area Industry is a complete supplier of products and services needed in order to carry out construction and civil engineering projects sustainably and cost efficiently.
Business area Industry is run in six product areas; Asphalt, Concrete, Gravel and Rock, Transportation and Machines, Rentals and Construction System. As of 1 January 2017 Foundation Work has been moved to Civil Engineering. All of the product areas work on the Nordic construction and civil engineering markets.
Net sales and profit
April – June 2017
Net sales for the second quarter 2017 increased by two percent and amounted to SEK 3,420 million (3,356).
Operating profit for the second quarter 2017 amounted to SEK 246 million (202) and the operating margin rose to 7.2 percent (6.0).
January – June 2017
Net sales for the first half-year 2017 increased by eight percent and amounted to SEK 5,657 (5,250). After adjustments for acquired units net sales increased by seven percent. The increase during the period stems mainly from product areas Concrete, Gravel and Rock and Rentals.
Operating profit for the first half-year 2017 amounted to SEK 223 million (190). Product areas Concrete, Gravel and Rock, Rentals and Transportation and Machines report a slightly better result in comparison with the corresponding period last year while profit contracted in Construction System. The operating margin rose to 3.9 percent (3.6). The operating margin was 6.3 percent during the latest rolling 12 month period compared to 6.2 percent for the entire year of 2016.
Capital employed in Industry at the end of the period amounted to SEK 5,519 million (5,282).
Net sales
Capital employed, 30 June 2017
Key ratios
Apr-Jun 2017 | Apr-Jun 2016 | Jan-Jun 2017 | Jan-Jun 2016 | Jul-Jun 2016/2017 | Jan-Dec 2016 | ||
Apr-jun 2017 | Apr-jun 2016 | Jan-jun 2017 | Jan-jun 2016 | Jul-jun 2016/2017 | Jan-dec 2016 | ||
Net sales, MSEK | Nettoomsättning, Mkr | 3,420 | 3,356 | 5,657 | 5,250 | 12,568 | 12,161 |
Operating profit, MSEK | Rörelseresultat, Mkr | 246 | 202 | 223 | 190 | 786 | 753 |
Operating margin, % | Rörelsemarginal, % | 7.2 | 6.0 | 3.9 | 3.6 | 6.3 | 6.2 |
Capital employed at the end of the period, MSEK | Sysselsatt kapital vid periodens slut, Mkr | 5,519 | 5,282 | 5,519 | 5,282 | 5,519 | 5,416 |
Number of employees | Antal anställda | 3,716 | 3,501 | 3,716 | 3,501 | 3,716 | 3,385 |
Concrete, thousands of m3 1) | Betong, tusentals m3 1) | 333 | 302 | 591 | 493 | 1,199 | 1,101 |
Asphalt, thousands of tons 1) | Asfalt, tusentals ton 1) | 803 | 854 | 832 | 878 | 2,543 | 2,589 |
Gravel and Rock, thousands of tons 1) | Grus och Berg, tusentals ton 1) | 3,864 | 3,568 | 6,501 | 5,413 | 14,197 | 13,109 |
1) Refers to sold volume