Other information
Risks and uncertainty factors
Peab’s business is exposed to operational and financial risks. The impact of these risks on Peab’s result and position depends on how well the day-to-day business is handled in the company. In addition, Peab faces circumstantial risks such as developments in the economy and altered conditions like changes in laws and regulations and other political decisions.
Handling operational risks is a constant ongoing process since there are always a large number of projects that are beginning, up and running and ending. Operational risks are taken care of in the line organization in each business area. The financial risks are connected to tying up capital and the need for capital, primarily in the form of interest rate risk and refinancing risk. Financial risks are dealt with on Group level.
For further information on risks and uncertainty factors, see the 2016 Annual Report.
Holdings of own shares
At the beginning of 2017 Peab’s own B shareholding was 1,086,984 which corresponds to 0.4 percent of the total number of shares. No changes have taken place during the first half-year 2017.
The peab share
Peab’s B share is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap list. As of 17 August 2017, the price of the Peab share was SEK 95.75, an increase of 32 percent during 2017. During the same period, the Swedish stock market increased by four percent according to the general index in the business magazine “Affärsvärlden”. During 2017 the Peab share has been quoted at a maximum of SEK 109.50 and a minimum of SEK 70.60.