Business area Project Development

Business area Project Development, which comprises Housing Development and Property Development, creates sustainable and vibrant urban environments with residential, commercial and public property.

The business area is responsible for the Group’s property acquisitions and divestitures as well as project development which generates contract work for the other business areas. Project Development works through wholly owned companies or in collaboration with other partners in joint ventures. Peab’s primary ambition is to work with development projects on our own balance sheet. Collaboration with other partners via joint ventures may take place from time to time during a project. The goal is to create capital efficient developments with partners that boost the business and thereby profitability.

Housing Development develops all kinds of homes on the Nordic market such as apartment buildings in tenancy ownership, ownership and rental form as well as single homes.

Property Development processes and develops office buildings, premises and sometimes entire city boroughs in collaboration with municipalities and other partners. Operations are primarily concentrated to the big city areas throughout the Nordic region.

Net sales and profit

July – September 2022

Net sales for the third quarter 2022 in Project Development amounted to SEK 2,234 million (2,741). The decrease is related to Housing Development. Operating profit amounted to SEK 265 million (326).

January – September 2022

Net sales for the period January-September 2022 increased by five percent to SEK 6,675 million (6,380). The increase is attributable to Property Development. Operating profit improved to SEK 818 million (791) and the operating margin was 12.3 percent (12.4).

Capital employed in Project Development at the end of the period amounted to SEK 14,173 million (13,685). The increase primarily refers to higher investments in project and development property.

Capital employed

MSEK 30 Sep
30 Sep
Dec 31
Mkr 30 sep
30 sep
31 dec
Operations property Driftsfastigheter 55 65 52
Investment property Förvaltningsfastigheter 36 48 36
Project and development property
Projekt- och exploateringsfastigheter
11,545 9,513 10,628
of which housing development rights varav bostadsbyggrätter 6,669 5,251 6,629
of which commercial development rights varav kommersiella byggrätter 710 586 613
of which unsold part of ongoing housing projects varav osåld del av pågående bostadsprojekt 1,971 1,660 1,549
of which ongoing rental projects
varav pågående hyresrättsprojekt
1,246 628 727
of which ongoing commercial projects
varav pågående kommersiella projekt
447 533 483
of which completed property varav färdigställda fastigheter 129 307 123
of which other varav övrigt 373 548 504
Participation in joint ventures Andelar i joint ventures 2,581 2,401 2,371
Loans to joint ventures Utlåning till joint ventures 1,285 1,197 1,177
Working capital and other Rörelsekapital och övrigt -1,329 461 -741
Total Summa 14,173 13,685 13,523
of which Property Development varav Fastighetsutveckling 4,415 4,261 4,265
of which Housing Development varav Bostadsutveckling 9,758 9,424 9,258

Key ratios

Net sales, MSEK Nettoomsättning, Mkr 2,234 2,741 6,675 6,380 9,792 9,497
of which Property Development varav Fastighetsutveckling 304 33 483 96 908 521
of which Housing Development varav Bostadsutveckling 1,930 2,708 6,192 6,284 8,884 8,976
Operating profit, MSEK Rörelseresultat, Mkr 265 326 818 791 1,264 1,237
of which Property Development varav Fastighetsutveckling 91 70 168 109 290 231
of which Housing Development varav Bostadsutveckling 174 256 650 682 974 1,006
Operating margin, % Rörelsemarginal, % 11.9 11.9 12.3 12.4 12.9 13.0
of which Property Development varav Fastighetsutveckling 29.9 212.1 34.8 113.5 31.9 44.3
of which Housing Development varav Bostadsutveckling 9.0 9.5 10.5 10.9 11.0 11.2
Capital employed at the end of the period, MSEK
Sysselsatt kapital vid periodens utgång, Mkr
14,173 13,685 14,173 13,685 14,173 13,523
Orders received, MSEK Orderingång, Mkr 1,541 1,893 5,566 6,896 8,651 9,981
Order backlog, MSEK Orderstock, Mkr 6,505 6,045 6,505 6,045 6,505 6,555
Operating cash flow, MSEK Operativt kassaflöde, Mkr 55 -202 397 -479 1,125 249
Number of employees 1) Antal anställda 1) 250 243 250 243 250 242

1) Calculated on rolling 12 months

Net sales

per geographic market, rolling 12 months

Development rights for housing

Number, approx. Sep 30
Sep 30
Dec 31
Antal, cirka 30 sep
30 sep
31 dec
Development rights on our own balance sheet Byggrätter i egen balansräkning 21,400 19,600 19,500
Development rights via joint ventures Byggrätter via joint ventures 4,500 4,800 4,600
Development rights via options etc. Byggrätter via optioner m.m. 9,000 9,800 10,500
Total Totalt 34,900 34,200 34,600

Own housing development construction

1) Includes 56 (75) homes that have been converted from rentals

2) Includes 203 (337) homes that have been converted from rentals

3) Of which 932 (528), respectively 88 percent (73), are under contract to be sold upon completion

Time of completion of our own ongoing housing development projects 1)

1) Refers to Swedish tenant-owner associations and single homes, Norwegian condominiums and share housing and Finnish residential limited companies

Grandkvartalet Larvik

Larvik, Norway

Capital employed in Property Development was SEK 4,415 million (4,261) at the end of the third quarter 2022. A large part of the capital employed is shares in partially owned companies and loans to partially owned companies.

The table below presents the ongoing property projects per September 30, 2022. The property in Trollhättan is under contract to be sold to an external party during the fourth quarter 2022. During the period Peab made the decision to invest SEK 101 million in a new office in Jönköping. The project is expected to be completed during the fourth quarter 2023.

Ongoing property projects

Type of project Location Rentable
area in m2
Degree rented, % Recognized
value, MSEK
Total investment at completion, MSEK Timepoint of completion
Level of
completion, %
Typ av projekt Ort Uthyrningsbar
yta, m2
Uthyrningsgrad, % Bokfört värde, Mkr Beslutad
investering, Mkr
Tidpunkt färdigställande
Färdigställande-grad, %
Warehouse building Trollhättan Lagerfastighet Trollhättan 3,900 100 47 51 Q4-2022 92
Office building Malmö Kontor Malmö 7,100 43 187 313 Q1-2023 60
Office building Jönköping Kontor Jönköping 3,200 100 10 101 Q4-2023 10
Office building Gothenburg Kontor Göteborg 13,100 0 185 533 Q3-2024 35
Other ongoing projects Övriga pågående projekt 18
Total Summa 447