Note 2 – Revenue allocation

Group Jan-Sep 2022
Construction Civil Engineering Industry Project Development Group functions Eliminations Group
Differences in accounting principles 1) Group IFRS
Koncernen Jan-sep 2022
Bygg Anläggning Industri Projekt-
Koncern-gemensamt Eliminering Koncernen
Skillnader i redovisnings-principer 1) Koncernen IFRS
Allocation per external/internal Fördelning av intäkter – externt/internt
External sales Extern försäljning 16,784 9,578 13,020 6,658 47 46,087 -1,295 44,792
Internal sales Intern försäljning 3,885 982 2,755 17 1,076 -8,715
Total Summa 20,669 10,560 15,775 6,675 1,123 -8,715 46,087 -1,295 44,792
Allocation per country Fördelning per land
Sweden Sverige 14,936 9,371 9,412 4,493 883 -6,967 32,128 -1,595 30,533
Norway Norge 3,238 1,189 1,737 562 123 -592 6,257 491 6,748
Finland Finland 2,495 3,881 1,620 116 -1,155 6,957 -191 6,766
Denmark Danmark 732 1 -1 732 732
Other Övrigt 13 13 13
Total Summa 20,669 10,560 15,775 6,675 1,123 -8,715 46,087 -1,295 44,792
Allocation per type of customer Fördelning per kundtyp
Public sector Offentliga kunder 7,140 7,243 4,564 4 33 18,984 18,984
Private customers Privata kunder 9,644 2,335 8,456 6,654 14 27,103 -1,295 25,808
Internal customers Interna kunder 3,885 982 2,755 17 1,076 -8,715
Total Summa 20,669 10,560 15,775 6,675 1,123 -8,715 46,087 -1,295 44,792
Allocation per point in time Fördelning per tidpunkt
At one point in time Vid en tidpunkt 17 8 4,989 985 49 -847 5,201 4,126 9,327
Over time Över tid 20,640 10,546 9,230 5,622 936 -6,695 40,279 -5,421 34,858
Rent revenue 2) Hyresintäkter 2) 12 6 1,556 68 138 -1,173 607 607
Total Summa 20,669 10,560 15,775 6,675 1,123 -8,715 46,087 -1,295 44,792
Allocation per type of revenue Fördelning typ av intäkt
Construction contracts Entreprenaduppdrag 20,640 10,546 9,230 5,622 66 -5,825 40,279 -5,421 34,858
Sales of goods Försäljning av varor 3,873 -596 3,277 3,277
Sales of property projects Försäljning av fastighetsprojekt 5 969 974 4,126 5,100
Transportation services Transporttjänster 967 -204 763 763
Administrative services Administrativa tjänster 870 -870
Rent revenue 2) Hyresintäkter 2) 12 6 1,556 68 138 -1,173 607 607
Other Övrigt 12 8 149 16 49 -47 187 187
Total Summa 20,669 10,560 15,775 6,675 1,123 -8,715 46,087 -1,295 44,792

1) Refers to differences in accounting principles regarding our own housing development projects. In segment reporting revenue is recognized over time while in reporting according to IFRS it is at the time of possession.

2) Rent revenue is recognized according to IFRS 16.

Group Jan-Sep 2021
Construction Civil Engineering Industry Project Development Group functions Eliminations Group
Differences in accounting principles 1) Group IFRS
Koncernen Jan-sep 2021
Bygg Anläggning Industri Projekt-
Koncern-gemensamt Eliminering Koncernen
Skillnader i redovisnings-principer 1) Koncernen IFRS
Allocation per external/internal Fördelning av intäkter – externt/internt
External sales Extern försäljning 15,767 9,226 11,107 6,360 46 42,506 -1,087 41,419
Internal sales Intern försäljning 3,066 892 2,542 20 900 -7,420
Total Summa 18,833 10,118 13,649 6,380 946 -7,420 42,506 -1,087 41,419
Allocation per country Fördelning per land
Sweden Sverige 13,471 9,082 8,298 3,830 758 -5,785 29,654 -703 28,951
Norway Norge 2,774 1,022 1,379 712 108 -662 5,333 -62 5,271
Finland Finland 2,588 14 3,387 1,838 79 -971 6,935 -322 6,613
Denmark Danmark 570 1 -2 569 569
Other Övrigt 15 15 15
Total Summa 18,833 10,118 13,649 6,380 946 -7,420 42,506 -1,087 41,419
Allocation per type of customer Fördelning per kundtyp
Public sector Offentliga kunder 7,469 6,610 3,846 4 33 17,962 17,962
Private customers Privata kunder 8,298 2,616 7,261 6,356 13 24,544 -1,087 23,457
Internal customers Interna kunder 3,066 892 2,542 20 900 -7,420
Total Summa 18,833 10,118 13,649 6,380 946 -7,420 42,506 -1,087 41,419
Allocation per point in time Fördelning per tidpunkt
At one point in time Vid en tidpunkt 11 6 4,645 140 38 -896 3,944 3,013 6,957
Over time Över tid 18,814 10,106 7,613 6,174 777 -5,459 38,025 -4,100 33,925
Rent revenue 2) Hyresintäkter 2) 8 6 1,391 66 131 -1,065 537 537
Total Summa 18,833 10,118 13,649 6,380 946 -7,420 42,506 -1,087 41,419
Allocation per type of revenue Fördelning typ av intäkt
Construction contracts Entreprenaduppdrag 18,814 10,106 7,613 6,174 45 -4,730 38,022 -4,100 33,922
Sales of goods Försäljning av varor 3,624 -648 2,976 2,976
Sales of property projects Försäljning av fastighetsprojekt 130 130 3,013 3,143
Transportation services Transporttjänster 885 -210 675 675
Administrative services Administrativa tjänster 732 -729 3 3
Rent revenue 2) Hyresintäkter 2) 8 6 1,391 66 131 -1,065 537 537
Other Övrigt 11 6 136 10 38 -38 163 163
Total Summa 18,833 10,118 13,649 6,380 946 -7,420 42,506 -1,087 41,419

1) Refers to differences in accounting principles regarding our own housing development projects. In segment reporting revenue is recognized over time while in reporting according to IFRS it is at the time of possession.

2) Rent revenue is recognized according to IFRS 16.

Group Jan-Dec 2021
Construction Civil Engineering Industry Project Development Group functions Eliminations Group
Differences in accounting principles 1) Group IFRS

Jan-dec 2021

Bygg Anläggning Industri Projekt-
Koncern-gemensamt Eliminering Koncernen
Skillnader i redovisnings-principer 1) Koncernen IFRS
Allocation per external/internal Fördelning av intäkter – externt/internt
External sales Extern försäljning 22,555 12,866 15,075 9,471 59 60,026 -1,103 58,923
Internal sales Intern försäljning 4,425 1,314 3,712 26 1,255 -10,732
Total Summa 26,980 14,180 18,787 9,497 1,314 -10,732 60,026 -1,103 58,923
Allocation per country Fördelning per land
Sweden Sverige 19,513 12,664 11,704 6,262 1,070 -8,485 42,728 -1,270 41,458
Norway Norge 3,963 1,501 1,905 913 142 -926 7,498 100 7,598
Finland Finland 3,504 15 4,364 2,322 101 -1,318 8,988 67 9,055
Denmark Danmark 792 1 -3 790 790
Other Övrigt 22 22 22
Total Summa 26,980 14,180 18,787 9,497 1,314 -10,732 60,026 -1,103 58,923
Allocation per type of customer Fördelning per kundtyp
Public sector Offentliga kunder 10,480 9,604 5,123 8 45 25,260 25,260
Private customers Privata kunder 12,075 3,262 9,952 9,463 14 34,766 -1,103 33,663
Internal customers Interna kunder 4,425 1,314 3,712 26 1,255 -10,732
Total Summa 26,980 14,180 18,787 9,497 1,314 -10,732 60,026 -1,103 58,923
Allocation per point in time Fördelning per tidpunkt
At one point in time Vid en tidpunkt 11 6 6,404 1,814 56 -1,319 6,972 5,759 12,731
Over time Över tid 26,959 14,166 10,448 7,602 1,083 -7,930 52,328 -6,862 45,466
Rent revenue 2) Hyresintäkter 2) 10 8 1,935 81 175 -1,483 726 726
Total Summa 26,980 14,180 18,787 9,497 1,314 -10,732 60,026 -1,103 58,923
Allocation per type of revenue Fördelning typ av intäkt
Construction contracts Entreprenaduppdrag 26,959 14,166 10,448 7,602 68 -6,919 52,324 -6,862 45,462
Sales of goods Försäljning av varor 1 4,975 -902 4,074 4,074
Sales of property projects Försäljning av fastighetsprojekt 1,750 -16 1,734 5,759 7,493
Transportation services Transporttjänster 1,241 -308 933 933
Administrative services Administrativa tjänster 1,015 -1,011 4 4
Rent revenue 2) Hyresintäkter 2) 10 8 1,935 81 175 -1,483 726 726
Other Övrigt 11 5 188 64 56 -93 231 231
Total Summa 26,980 14,180 18,787 9,497 1,314 -10,732 60,026 -1,103 58,923

1) Refers to differences in accounting principles regarding our own housing development projects. In segment reporting revenue is recognized over time while in reporting according to IFRS it is at the time of possession.

2) Rent revenue is recognized according to IFRS 16.