Other information
Important events during the period
The recent dramatic developments in Ukraine have a key impact on the world around us. In addition to the terrible tragedy for the people the war touches, the situation risks hampering macroeconomic growth in the world. In Sweden this can affect the construction industry through greater uncertainty and cautiousness concerning investments, continued high material and energy prices and material shortages and delivery problems. We follow developments carefully to continually assess any effects on Peab.
Important events after the period
No significant events occurred after the end of the reporting period.
Holdings and repurchase of own shares
At the beginning of 2022 Peab’s own B shareholding was 1,086,984 which corresponds to 0.4 percent of the total number of shares. The Board of Directors of Peab AB has, through the authorization given by the Annual General Meeting on May 5, 2022, decided to repurchase its own shares. The shares will be repurchased, on several occasions, until the AGM 2023. The aim of the repurchasing is to improve the company’s capital structure. The shares will be repurchased on Nasdaq Stockholm according to the Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares – Nasdaq Stockholm (Supplement D) and EU Parliament’s and Council’s EU regulation nr. 596/2014 on market abuse (MAR). According to the Board’s decision shares may be repurchased during the period for a maximum of SEK 500 million and a number of shares so that the company’s holding of its own shares after the repurchasing does not exceed one tenth of all shares in the company. The shares may only be repurchased at a price per share within the price interval registered at any given time on Nasdaq Stockholm, meaning the interval between the current highest buy price and the lowest sell price published by Nasdaq Stockholm. During the period up to September 30, 2022 6,150,170 shares were repurchased for a total of SEK 418 million. After the repurchase Peab holds 7,237,154 own B shares corresponding to 2.4 percent of the total shares.
Related parties
The character and extent of transactions with related parties is presented in the Annual and Sustainable Report 2021, note 40. For more information about transactions with related parties during the period see business area Project Development, section Property Development. No other new significant transactions have occurred during the period January-September 2022.