The Nordic Community Builder

About Peab

Net sales, appr.

SEK 63 bil­lion

Employees, appr.


Business model

Value through collaborating business areas

Peab’s four business areas

Most satisfied customers

Best workplace

Most profitable company

Leader in social responsibility

Local and close to our customers

Our 15,000 employees work close to our customers in the community and use wherever possible local resources in the form of our own personnel, input goods and subcontractors. Together with our social engagement in the community and integrated climate and environmental work this forms the foundation of what we call locally produced community building.

Photographers: Andreas Svensson, Annika Persson, Henrik Nordell, Johanna Myllymäki, Koppar communication, Magnus Paulsson, Mats Bakken, Peter Steen, Samuel Unéus and Sebastian Lamotte.
Peab takes work environment matters very seriously and works systematically to create safe workplaces. The kind of safety equipment used varies depending on national regulations and the type of operations. A risk analysis is always performed for each workplace before any exception is made. The people pictured in this publication are wearing personal safety equipment required by regulations valid for the operations and country they are in.