Report on financial position for the Group in summary, IFRS
Total assets on March 31, 2023 were SEK 49,782 million (47,313). Equity amounted to SEK 13,652 million (13,792), which generated an equity/assets ratio of 27.4 percent (29.2).
MSEK | Mar 31 2023 | Mar 31 2022 | Dec 31 2022 | |
Mkr | 31 mar 2023 | 31 mar 2022 | 31 dec 2022 | |
Assets | Tillgångar | |||
Intangible assets | Immateriella anläggningstillgångar | 3,968 | 3,787 | 3,976 |
Tangible assets | Materiella anläggningstillgångar | 8,271 | 7,635 | 8,310 |
Investment property | Förvaltningsfastigheter | 59 | 55 | 57 |
Interest-bearing long-term receivables | Räntebärande långfristiga fordringar | 1,226 | 1,213 | 1,233 |
Other financial fixed assets | Övriga finansiella tillgångar | 2,532 | 2,547 | 2,599 |
Deferred tax recoverables | Uppskjuten skattefordran | 189 | 215 | 180 |
Total fixed assets | Summa anläggningstillgångar | 16,245 | 15,452 | 16,355 |
Project and development properties | Projekt- och exploateringsfastigheter | 19,217 | 16,670 | 19,178 |
Inventories | Varulager | 2,009 | 1,704 | 1,541 |
Interest-bearing current receivables | Räntebärande kortfristiga fordringar | 306 | 131 | 384 |
Other current receivables | Övriga kortfristiga fordringar | 10,298 | 10,386 | 12,047 |
Liquid funds | Likvida medel | 1,707 | 2,970 | 1,506 |
Total current assets | Summa omsättningstillgångar | 33,537 | 31,861 | 34,656 |
Total assets | Summa tillgångar | 49,782 | 47,313 | 51,011 |
Equity and liabilities | Eget kapital och skulder | |||
Equity | Eget kapital | 13,652 | 13,792 | 13,786 |
Liabilities | Skulder | |||
Interest-bearing long-term liabilities | Räntebärande långfristiga skulder | 7,505 | 4,968 | 7,665 |
Interest-bearing long-term liabilities, project financing | Räntebärande långfristiga skulder, projektfinansiering | 27 | 469 | 440 |
Deferred tax liabilities | Uppskjuten skatteskuld | 485 | 275 | 487 |
Other long-term liabilities | Övriga långfristiga skulder | 1,377 | 1,575 | 1,503 |
Total long-term liabilities | Summa långfristiga skulder | 9,394 | 7,287 | 10,095 |
Interest-bearing current liabilities | Räntebärande kortfristiga skulder | 2,696 | 2,451 | 1,897 |
Interest-bearing current liabilities, project financing | Räntebärande kortfristiga skulder, projektfinansiering | 9,951 | 8,085 | 9,802 |
Other current liabilities | Övriga kortfristiga skulder | 14,089 | 15,698 | 15,431 |
Total current liabilities | Summa kortfristiga skulder | 26,736 | 26,234 | 27,130 |
Total liabilities | Summa skulder | 36,130 | 33,521 | 37,225 |
Total equity and liabilities | Summa eget kapital och skulder | 49,782 | 47,313 | 51,011 |
Key ratios, IFRS | Nyckeltal, IFRS | |||
Capital employed | Sysselsatt kapital | 33,831 | 29,765 | 33,590 |
Equity/assets ratio, % | Soliditet, % | 27.4 | 29.2 | 27.0 |
Net debt | Nettoskuld | 16,940 | 11,659 | 16,681 |
Equity per share, SEK | Eget kapital per aktie, kr | 47.43 | 46.76 | 47.90 |
Number of outstanding shares at the end of the period, million | Utestående aktier vid periodens utgång, miljoner | 287.5 | 295.0 | 287.5 |
Report on changes in Group equity in summary, IFRS
MSEK | Mar 31 2023 | Mar 31 2022 | Dec 31 2022 | |
Mkr | 31 mar 2023 | 31 mar 2022 | 31 dec 2022 | |
Equity attributable to shareholders in parent company | Eget kapital hänförligt till moderbolagets ägare | |||
Opening equity on January 1 | Ingående eget kapital den 1 januari | 13,768 | 13,681 | 13,681 |
Profit for the period | Periodens resultat | -35 | -28 | 1,832 |
Other comprehensive income for the period | Periodens övrigt totalresultat | -98 | 138 | 230 |
Total comprehensive income for the period | Periodens totalresultat | -133 | 110 | 2,062 |
Cash dividend | Kontant utdelning | – | – | -1,475 |
Repurchase of own shares | Återköp av egna aktier | – | – | -500 |
Closing equity | Utgående eget kapital | 13,635 | 13,791 | 13,768 |
Non-controlling interests | Innehav utan bestämmande inflytande | |||
Opening equity on January 1 | Ingående eget kapital den 1 januari | 18 | 1 | 1 |
Comprehensive income for the period | Periodens totalresultat | -1 | 0 | -1 |
Acquisition of partially owned companies, non-controlling interests as previously | Förvärv av delägda bolag, ej bestämmande inflytande sedan tidigare | – | – | 18 |
Closing equity | Utgående eget kapital | 17 | 1 | 18 |
Total closing equity | Totalt utgående eget kapital | 13,652 | 13,792 | 13,786 |