Report on the Group income statement, IFRS

Group net sales according to IFRS increased by seven percent and amounted during January-March 2023 to SEK 12,978 million (12,137). After adjustments for acquired and divested units and exchange rate effects net sales increased by six percent. The adjustment of our own housing development projects to the completion method affected net sales by SEK 288 million (-407).

Operating profit according to IFRS for January-March 2023 amounted to SEK 7 million (-20) and the operating margin was 0.1 percent (-0.2). The adjustment of our own housing development projects to the completion method affected operating profit by SEK 153 million (-39).

MSEK Jan-Mar
Apr 2022-
Mar 2023
Mkr Jan-mar
Apr 2022-
mar 2023
Net sales Nettoomsättning 12,978 12,137 62,774 61,933
Production costs Kostnader för produktion -12,138 -11,304 -57,179 -56,345
Gross profit Bruttoresultat 840 833 5,595 5,588
Sales and administrative expenses Försäljnings- och administrationskostnader -854 -866 -3,274 -3,286
Other operating income Övriga rörelseintäkter 42 32 289 279
Other operating costs Övriga rörelsekostnader -21 -19 -26 -24
Operating profit Rörelseresultat 7 -20 2,584 2,557
Financial income Finansiella intäkter 36 24 115 103
Financial expenses Finansiella kostnader -88 -39 -269 -220
Net finance Finansnetto -52 -15 -154 -117
Pre-tax profit Resultat före skatt -45 -35 2,430 2,440
Tax Skatt 10 7 -606 -609
Profit for the period Periodens resultat -35 -28 1,824 1,831
Profit for the period, attributable to: Periodens resultat hänförligt till:
Shareholders in parent company Moderbolagets ägare -35 -28 1,825 1,832
Non-controlling interests Innehav utan bestämmande inflytande 0 0 -1 -1
Profit for the period Periodens resultat -35 -28 1,824 1,831
Key ratios, IFRS Nyckeltal, IFRS
Earnings per share before and after dilution, SEK Resultat per aktie före och efter utspädning, kr -0.12 -0.10 6.25 6.27
Average number of outstanding shares, million Genomsnittligt antal utestående aktier, miljoner 287.5 295.0 290.3 292.2
Return on capital employed, % 1) Räntabilitet på sysselsatt kapital, % 1) 8.2 1) 11.4 1) 8.2 8.4
Return on equity, % 1) Räntabilitet på eget kapital, % 1) 13.7 1) 18.9 1) 13.7 13.7


1) Calculated on rolling 12 months

Report on the Group income statement and other comprehensive income in summary, IFRS

MSEK Jan-Mar
Apr 2022-
Mar 2023
Mkr Jan-mar
Apr 2022-
mar 2023
Profit for the period Periodens resultat -35 -28 1,824 1,831
Other comprehensive income Övrigt totalresultat
Items that can be reclassified or have been reclassified to profit for the period
Poster som har omförts eller kan omföras till periodens resultat
Translation differences for the period from translation of foreign operations
Periodens omräkningsdifferenser vid omräkning av utländska verksamheter
-98 137 -25 210
Changes in fair value of cash flow hedges for the period
Periodens förändringar i verkligt värde på kassaflödessäkringar
-3 2 -3 2
Shares in joint ventures’ other comprehensive income
Andelar i joint ventures övrigt totalresultat
2 21 19
Tax referring to items that can be reclassified or have been reclassified to profit for the period
Skatt hänförligt till poster som har omförts eller kan omföras till periodens resultat
0 -1 0 -1
Other comprehensive income for the period Periodens övrigt totalresultat -99 138 -7 230
Total comprehensive income for the period Periodens totalresultat -134 110 1,817 2,061
Total comprehensive income for the period, attributable to: Periodens totalresultat hänförligt till:
Shareholders in parent company Moderbolagets ägare -133 110 1,819 2,062
Non-controlling interests Innehav utan bestämmande inflytande -1 0 -2 -1
Total comprehensive income for the period Periodens totalresultat -134 110 1,817 2,061