Parent company

The parent company Peab AB’s net sales for the first quarter 2023 amounted to SEK 72 million (75) and mainly consisted of internal Group services. Profit for the period amounted to SEK -59 million (-46).

The parent company’s assets mainly consist of participations in Group companies amounting to SEK 11,749 million (11,728). The assets have been financed from equity of SEK 8,693 million (8,207) and long-term liabilities to Group companies amounting to SEK 1,500 million (1,000).

The parent company is indirectly affected by the risks described in the section Risks and uncertainty factors.

Report on the parent company income statement in summary

MSEK Jan-Mar
Apr 2022-
Mar 2023
Mkr Jan-mar
Apr 2022-
mar 2023
Net sales Nettoomsättning 72 75 301 304
Administrative expenses Administrationskostnader -129 -125 -524 -520
Other operating income Övriga rörelseintäkter 1 1 1 1
Operating profit Rörelseresultat -56 -49 -222 -215
Result from financial investments Resultat från finansiella poster
Profit from participation in Group companies Resultat från andelar i koncernföretag 1,024 1,024
Other financial items Övriga finansiella poster -19 -9 -50 -40
Result after financial items Resultat efter finansiella poster -75 -58 752 769
Appropriations Bokslutsdispositioner 2,138 2,138
Pre-tax profit Resultat före skatt -75 -58 2,890 2,907
Tax Skatt 16 12 -430 -434
Profit for the period 1) Periodens resultat 1) -59 -46 2,460 2,473
1) Profit/loss for the period corresponds to comprehensive profit/loss for the period and therefore only one income statement is presented without a separate one for comprehensive profit/loss

Report on financial position for the parent company in summary

MSEK Mar 31
Mar 31
Dec 31
Mkr 31 mar
31 mar
31 dec
Assets Tillgångar
Fixed assets Anläggningstillgångar
Intangible assets Immateriella anläggningstillgångar 3 4 3
Tangible assets Materiella anläggningstillgångar 2 1 2
Financial assets Finansiella anläggningstillgångar
Participation in Group companies Andelar i koncernföretag 11,749 11,728 11,749
Deferred tax recoverables Uppskjuten skattefordran 95 140 94
Total financial assets Summa finansiella anläggningstillgångar 11,844 11,868 11,843
Total fixed assets Summa anläggningstillgångar 11,849 11,873 11,848
Current assets Omsättningstillgångar
Current receivables Kortfristiga fordringar
Accounts receivables Kundfordringar 0 1 1
Receivables from Group companies Fordringar koncernföretag 1,722 532 2,274
Current tax assets Aktuella skattefordringar 17 92
Other receivables Övriga fordringar 33 51 3
Prepaid expenses and accrued income Förutbetalda kostnader och upplupna intäkter 12 10 11
Total current receivables Summa kortfristiga fordringar 1,784 686 2,289
Cash and bank Kassa och bank 0 0 0
Total current assets Summa omsättningstillgångar 1,784 686 2,289
Total assets Summa tillgångar 13,633 12,559 14,137
Equity and liabilities Eget kapital och skulder
Equity Eget kapital
Restricted equity Bundet eget kapital 1,884 1,884 1,884
Non-restricted equity Fritt eget kapital 6,809 6,323 6,868
Total equity Summa eget kapital 8,693 8,207 8,752
Untaxed reserves Obeskattade reserver 3,292 3,190 3,292
Provisions Avsättningar
Other provisions Övriga avsättningar 44 46 43
Total provisions Summa avsättningar 44 46 43
Long-term liabilities Långfristiga skulder
Liabilities to Group companies Skulder till koncernföretag 1,500 1,000 1,500
Total long-term liabilities Summa långfristiga skulder 1,500 1,000 1,500
Current liabilities Kortfristiga skulder
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder 15 14 20
Liabilities to Group companies Skulder till koncernföretag 16 2 375
Current tax liabilities Aktuella skatteskulder 81
Other liabilities Övriga skulder 8 7 8
Accrued expenses and deferred income Upplupna kostnader och förutbetalda intäkter 65 93 66
Total current liabilities Summa kortfristiga skulder 104 116 550
Total liabilities Summa skulder 1,604 1,116 2,050
Total equity and liabilities Summa eget kapital och skulder 13,633 12,559 14,137