Business area Project Development

Business area Project Development, which comprises Housing Development and Property Development, creates sustainable and vibrant urban environments with both residential and commercial property. The business area is responsible for the Group’s property acquisitions and divestitures as well as project development which generates contract work for the other business areas. Project Development works through wholly owned projects or in collaboration with other partners in joint ventures.

Housing Development develops all kinds of housing such as apartment buildings in tenancy ownership, ownership and rental form as well as single homes. Operations in Property Development revolve around the acquisition, development, maintenance and management as well as the divestiture of commercial property.

Peab’s primary ambition is to work with development projects on our own balance sheet. Collaboration with other partners via joint ventures may take place from time to time during a project. The goal is to create capital efficient developments with partners that bolster business and profit generation.

Net sales and profit

April – June 2020

Net sales for the second quarter 2020 in business area Project Development amounted to SEK 1,977 million (2,259). Operating profit amounted to SEK 138 million (336). The second quarter 2019 included an income contribution of SEK 170 million from the divestiture of property in the partially owned company Acturum.

January – June 2020

Net sales for the first half-year 2020 in business area Project Development amounted to SEK 3,946 million (4,426) and operating profit was SEK 312 million (516). The comparison period included an income contribution of SEK 170 million from the divestiture of property in the partially owned company Acturum.

Capital employed in Project Development at the end of the period amounted to SEK 13,521 million (16,646). Annehem Fastigheter was included with SEK 1,764 million at the corresponding time last year.



Capital employed

MSEK Jun 30
Jun 30
Dec 31
Mkr 30 jun
30 jun
31 dec
Operations property Driftsfastigheter 133 1,118 1,226
Investment property Förvaltningsfastigheter 114 646 500
Project and development property
Projekt- och exploateringsfastigheter
9,746 11,848 11,850
of which housing development rights varav bostadsbyggrätter 5,205 5,610 5,674
of which commercial development rights varav kommersiella byggrätter 600 612 556
of which unsold part of ongoing housing projects varav osåld del av pågående bostadsprojekt 2,119 3,494 3,520
of which ongoing rental projects in Sweden
varav pågående hyresrättsprojekt i Sverige
881 1,063 846
of which ongoing commercial projects
varav pågående kommersiella projekt
251 431 445
of which completed property varav färdigställda fastigheter 332 249 391
of which other varav övrigt 358 389 418
Participation in joint ventures Andelar i joint ventures 1,711 1,503 2,019
Loans to joint ventures Utlåning till joint ventures 1,128 1,207 1,106
Working capital and other Rörelsekapital och övrigt 689 324 -22
Total Summa 13,521 16,646 16,679

Key ratios

Net sales, MSEK Nettoomsättning, Mkr 1,977 2,259 3,946 4,426 8,645 9,125
of which Property Development varav Fastighetsutveckling 111 254 233 427 592 786
of which Housing Development varav Bostadsutveckling 1,866 2,005 3,713 3,999 8,053 8,339
Operating profit, MSEK Rörelseresultat, Mkr 138 336 312 516 811 1,015
of which Property Development varav Fastighetsutveckling -17 192 8 238 70 300
of which Housing Development varav Bostadsutveckling 155 144 304 278 741 715
Operating margin, % Rörelsemarginal, % 7.0 14.9 7.9 11.7 9.4 11.1
of which Property Development varav Fastighetsutveckling -15.3 75.6 3.4 55.7 11.8 38.2
of which Housing Development varav Bostadsutveckling 8.3 7.2 8.2 7.0 9.2 8.6
Capital employed at the end of the period, MSEK
Sysselsatt kapital vid periodens utgång, Mkr
13,521 16,646 13,521 16,646 13,521 16,679
Orders received, MSEK Orderingång, Mkr 1,420 1,529 3,090 3,156 6,098 6,164
Order backlog, MSEK Orderstock, Mkr 4,511 6,131 4,511 6,131 4,511 5,027
Number of employees at the end of the period
Antal anställda vid periodens utgång
313 336 313 336 313 343

Housing Development

April – June 2020

Net sales decreased and amounted to SEK 1,866 million (2,005). Operating profit increased to SEK 155 million (144) and the operating margin improved to 8.3 percent (7.2).

The number of start-ups of our own developed homes during the second quarter amounted to 518 units (540), most of which were in Sweden, with a good geographic spread. The number of sold homes was 501 (669), most of which were in Sweden and Finland.

January – June 2020

Net sales decreased to SEK 3,713 million (3,999) and the reduction is related to Sweden. Operating profit amounted to SEK 304 million (278) and the operating margin improved to 8.2 percent (7.0). In the latest rolling 12 month period the operating margin amounted to 9.2 percent compared to 8.6 percent for the entire year of 2019.

The number of start-​ups of our own developed homes amounted to 1,021 units (1,007), most of which were in Sweden. The start-ups have been spread geographically in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The number of sold homes was 1,288 (1,259), most of them sold in Sweden. The number of own developed homes in production at the end of the period was 4,153 (5,187). The level of sold homes in production was 70 percent (65). The number of repurchased homes per June 30, 2020 was 267 (174) and around half of them were in Sweden and half of them in Finland. Peab develops and builds housing all over Sweden and in large parts of Norway and Finland. Our housing is primarily in the medium price segment and we see that there continues to be a considerable need for new production of housing in this range.

Capital employed has decreased at the end of the period compared to the corresponding point in time in 2019. The reduction is largely due to less capital tied up in unsold homes resulting from more homes sold than have been started up. Capital employed also includes apartments for rent projects in Sweden that can be converted to tenant-​owned homes or be sold on the investment market.

Development rights for housing

Number, approx. Jun 30
Jun 30
Dec 31
Antal, cirka 30 jun
30 jun
31 dec
Development rights on our own balance sheet Byggrätter i egen balansräkning 19,400 20,300 20,300
Development rights via joint ventures Byggrätter via joint ventures 4,600 5,300 4,600
Development rights via options etc. Byggrätter via optioner m.m. 10,000 9,400 9,500
Total Totalt 34,000 35,000 34,400

Time of completion of our own developed ongoing housing

Net sales

per geographic market, rolling 12 months

Own housing development construction

Number of housing starts during the period
Antal under perioden produktionsstartade bostäder
518 540 1,021 1,007 2,081 2,067
Number of sold homes during the period
Antal under perioden sålda bostäder
501 669 1,288 1,259 2,738 2,709
Total number of homes under construction, at the end of the period
Totalt antal bostäder i produktion, vid periodens slut
4,153 5,187 4,153 5,187 4,153 4,616
Share of sold homes under construction, at the end of the period
Andel sålda bostäder i produktion, vid periodens slut
70% 65% 70% 65% 70% 69%
Number of repurchased homes in the balance sheet, at the end of the period
Antal återköpta bostäder i egen balansräkning, vid periodens slut
267 174 267 174 267 253

Property development

Net sales and operating profit from operations are derived from acquisitions, development, maintaining and managing wholly owned property, shares in the result from partly owned companies as well as capital gains/losses from the divestiture of completed property and shares in partly owned companies.

April – June 2020

During the second quarter 2020 net sales were SEK 111 million (254) and operating profit was SEK -17 million (192). As a result of the corona pandemic Property Development was charged by SEK 32 million in the second quarter related to Ängelholm Airport, of which SEK 20 million refers to writing down goodwill. No major property transactions have occurred during the quarter. The second quarter 2019 included an income contribution of SEK 170 million from the divestiture of property in the partially owned company Acturum. Last year Property Development also contained Annehem Fastigheter.

January – June 2020

During the first half-year 2020 net sales in Property Development were SEK 233 million (427) and operating profit was SEK 8 million (238). No major property transactions have occurred during the period. The comparable period included an income contribution of SEK 170 million from the sales of property in the partially owned company Acturum.

Some operations connected to air travel and tourism have been negatively affected by the corona pandemic which has lowered operating profit by SEK 47 million, of which SEK 37 million is related to Ängelholm Airport. The amount includes a SEK 20 million write-down of goodwill. Last year Property Development also contained Annehem Fastigheter.

At the end of the first half-year capital employed in Property Development had contracted compared to the first half-year 2019 due to the transfer of fully developed properties to Annehem Fastigheter. At the same time last year Annehem Fastigheter was included by SEK 1,764 million. Capital employed in Property Development includes as of 2020 primarily commercial development rights, ongoing property projects, shares in partially owned companies as well as loans to partially owned companies.

The creation of Annehem Fastigheter means that our now larger ongoing projects in Property Development are intended for sales to Annehem Fastigheter and will thereby be included in the planned extra distribution. During the second quarter 2020 property containing offices and parking space in Solna was divested to Annehem Fastigheter. The table below presents the larger ongoing property projects per June 30, 2020.

Ongoing property projects

Type of project Location Area in m2 Degree rented, % Recognized value, MSEK Total investment at completion, MSEK Timepoint of completion
Level of completion, %
Typ av projekt Ort Uthyrningsbar
yta, m2
Uthyrningsgrad, % Bokfört värde, Mkr Beslutad investering, Mkr Tidpunkt färdigställande
Färdigställande-grad, %
Retail Oslo Handel Oslo 3,600 100 142 216 Q4-2020 66
Office building Helsingborg Kontor Helsingborg 2,900 88 63 106 Q2-2021 59
Office building Solna Kontor Solna 4,300 89 75 194 Q3-2021 39
Other ongoing projects Övriga pågående projekt 34
Total Summa 314
of which operations property varav driftsfastigheter 63
of which project and development property varav projekt- och exploateringsfastigheter 251

Significant joint ventures

1) Valued at market price in joint venture companies. The market prices on properties that affect the recognized values in joint venture companies are not included in Peab’s accounts.