Note 2 – Business combinations

Acquisition of Nordic paving and mineral aggregates operations

On July 4, 2019 Peab signed a contract to acquire YIT’s paving and mineral aggregates operations in the Nordic region. The transaction was conditional on approval from competition authorities as well as the fulfillment of certain contractual conditions. At the end of March 2020 the transaction was approved by the competition authorities. The take over took place on April 1, 2020. Through the acquisition Peab will expand its presence in Sweden, Norway and Finland and become established in the paving business in Denmark and this will give Peab a unique and market leading position in this business in the Nordic region. The acquisition also entails taking over some 2,000 employees, some 200 strategically located quarries along with 63 production asphalt plants in the Nordic region. The operations are primarily integrated into the companies Peab Asfalt and Swerock. For the paving business this entails establishing operations in Finland and Denmark. It also provides conditions for further expansion and development in other operations such as Recycling and Concrete.

The transaction is a combination of an asset deal and a share purchase. The total transferred remuneration from Peab was SEK 3,184 million, divided into SEK 2,438 million in transferred remuneration for shares and assets as well as SEK 746 million in amortization of shareholder loans to the seller.

During the three months the acquisition has been part of the Group it has contributed SEK 1,741 million to Group income and SEK 62 million to profit for the period (including financing costs but not including acquisition costs and transfer tax in Finland). If the acquisition had taken place on January 1, 2020 it would have contributed SEK 2,047 million to Group income and SEK -186 million to profit for the period (including financing costs but not including acquisition and costs and transfer tax in Finland). Acquisition and costs and transfer tax in Finland were around SEK 95 million, of which SEK 40 million were reported in 2019. The costs are recognized as sales and administration costs and in the cash flow analysis in current operations.

Effects of the acquisition in 2020

The acquired companies' net assets at the time of acquisition:

Group‚ MSEK
Koncernen, Mkr
Intangible assets Immateriella anläggningstillgångar 279
Tangible assets Materiella anläggningstillgångar 1,563
Other financial assets Övriga finansiella anläggningstillgångar 83
Deferred tax recoverables Uppskjutna skattefordringar 166
Inventories Varulager 666
Accounts receivable and other receivables Kundfordringar och övriga rörelsefordringar 359
Liquid funds Likvida medel 59
Interest-bearing liabilities (leases) Räntebärande skulder (leasing) -361
Shareholder loan to selling company (acquired receivables) 1) Ägarlån till säljande bolag (förvärvade fordringar) 1) -746
Deferred tax liabilities Uppskjutna skatteskulder -57
Accounts payable and other current liabilities Leverantörsskulder och övriga rörelseskulder -983
Net identifiable assets and liabilities Netto identifierbara tillgångar och skulder 1,028
Group goodwill Koncerngoodwill 1,410
Consideration transferred 2) Överförd ersättning 2) 2,438
1) Acquired receivables are recognized at the seller’s nominal value and is settled in Peab against acquired liabilities for the corresponding amount 1) Förvärvade fodringar redovisats till säljarens nominella värde och avräknas i Peab mot förvärvade skulder till motsvarande belopp
2) Cash 2) Kontant 2,438
Additional shareholder loans to the selling company Tillkommer aktieägarlån till säljande bolag 746
The acquisition analysis is preliminary, which means that fair value has not been finally determined for all items. Uncertainty in valuation primarily concerns tangible and intangible fixed assets, inventories and other current liabilities. Since the acquisition was finalized on April 1, 2020 the process of determining fair values was initiated during the second quarter and will be completed during 2020.



The goodwill recognized for the acquisition represents a strong market position, establishment on new markets, synergies with existing operations, further expansion and development of other operations such as Recycling and Concrete as well as a well functioning organization. SEK 87 million of acquired goodwill is tax deductible.

Acquired receivables

The fair value of accounts receivable amounts to SEK 172 million. The gross amount of the receivables amounts to SEK 178 million, of which SEK -6 million is not expected to be settled.

Other acquisitions

During the period other minor acquisitions have been made by the Peab Group but since these are not material no information about them is provided.


Group‚ MSEK
Koncernen, Mkr
Opening acquisition value Ingående anskaffningsvärde 1,875
Purchases through acquired companies Inköp via förvärvade företag 1,410
Exchange rate differences Valutakursdifferens -88
Closing accumulated acquisition value Utgående ackumulerade anskaffningsvärde 3,197
Opening write-downs Ingående nedskrivningar -39
Write-downs for the year Årets nedskrivningar -20
Closing accumulated write-downs Utgående ackumulerade nedskrivningar -59
Closing recognized value Utgående redovisat värde 3,138