Parent company
The parent company Peab AB’s net sales for the first half-year 2020 amounted to SEK 170 million (156) and mainly consisted of internal Group services. Profit for the period amounted to SEK 391 million (34). Profit for the period included dividends of SEK 500 million (200) from subsidiaries.
The parent company’s assets mainly consist of participations in Group companies amounting to SEK 13,350 million (11,952). The assets have been financed from equity of SEK 9,448 million (7,828) and long-term liabilities to Group companies amounting to SEK 2,326 million (2,711).
The parent company is indirectly affected by the risks described in the section Risks and Uncertainty Factors.
Report on the parent company income statement in summary
MSEK | Apr-Jun 2020 | Apr-Jun 2019 | Jan-Jun 2020 | Jan-Jun 2019 | Jul-Jun 2019/2020 | Jan-Dec 2019 | |
Mkr | Apr-jun 2020 | Apr-jun 2019 | Jan-jun 2020 | Jan-jun 2019 | Jul-jun 2019/2020 | Jan-dec 2019 | |
Net sales | Nettoomsättning | 94 | 82 | 170 | 156 | 362 | 348 |
Administrative expenses | Administrationskostnader | -148 | -133 | -281 | -242 | -552 | -513 |
Other operating income | Övriga rörelseintäkter | – | – | – | – | 5 | 5 |
Operating profit | Rörelseresultat | -54 | -51 | -111 | -86 | -185 | -160 |
Result from financial investments | Resultat från finansiella poster | ||||||
Profit from participation in Group companies | Resultat från andelar i koncernföretag | 500 | 130 | 500 | 130 | 500 | 130 |
Other financial items | Övriga finansiella poster | -11 | -13 | -28 | -36 | -60 | -68 |
Result after financial items | Resultat efter finansiella poster | 435 | 66 | 361 | 8 | 255 | -98 |
Appropriations | Bokslutsdispositioner | – | – | – | – | 1,656 | 1,656 |
Pre-tax profit | Resultat före skatt | 435 | 66 | 361 | 8 | 1,911 | 1,558 |
Tax | Skatt | 14 | 15 | 30 | 26 | -291 | -295 |
Profit for the period 1) | Periodens resultat 1) | 449 | 81 | 391 | 34 | 1,620 | 1,263 |
Report on financial position for the parent company in summary
MSEK | Jun 30 2020 | Jun 30 2019 | Dec 31 2019 | |
Mkr | 30 jun 2020 | 30 jun 2019 | 31 dec 2019 | |
Assets | Tillgångar | |||
Fixed assets | Anläggningstillgångar | |||
Intangible assets | Immateriella anläggningstillgångar | 47 | 52 | 51 |
Tangible assets | Materiella anläggningstillgångar | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Financial assets | Finansiella anläggningstillgångar | |||
Participation in Group companies | Andelar i koncernföretag | 13,350 | 11,952 | 12,050 |
Deferred tax recoverables | Uppskjuten skattefordran | 117 | 112 | 119 |
Total financial assets | Summa finansiella anläggningstillgångar | 13,467 | 12,064 | 12,169 |
Total fixed assets | Summa anläggningstillgångar | 13,515 | 12,117 | 12,221 |
Current assets | Omsättningstillgångar | |||
Current receivables | Kortfristiga fordringar | |||
Accounts receivable | Kundfordringar | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Receivables from Group companies | Fordringar koncernföretag | 607 | 262 | 2,479 |
Current tax assets | Aktuella skattefordringar | 187 | 209 | 60 |
Other receivables | Övriga fordringar | 0 | 12 | 44 |
Prepaid expenses and accrued income | Förutbetalda kostnader och upplupna intäkter | 24 | 14 | 10 |
Total current receivables | Summa kortfristiga fordringar | 819 | 497 | 2,594 |
Cash and bank | Kassa och bank | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total current assets | Summa omsättningstillgångar | 819 | 497 | 2,594 |
Total assets | Summa tillgångar | 14,334 | 12,614 | 14,815 |
Equity and liabilities | Eget kapital och skulder | |||
Equity | Eget kapital | |||
Restricted equity | Bundet eget kapital | 1,900 | 1,903 | 1,901 |
Non-restricted equity | Fritt eget kapital | 7,548 | 5,925 | 7,156 |
Total equity | Summa eget kapital | 9,448 | 7,828 | 9,057 |
Untaxed reserves | Obeskattade reserver | 2,403 | 1,930 | 2,403 |
Provisions | Avsättningar | |||
Other provisions | Övriga avsättningar | 42 | 37 | 41 |
Total provisions | Summa avsättningar | 42 | 37 | 41 |
Long-term liabilities | Långfristiga skulder | |||
Liabilities to Group companies | Skulder till koncernföretag | 2,326 | 2,711 | 2,791 |
Total long-term liabilities | Summa långfristiga skulder | 2,326 | 2,711 | 2,791 |
Current liabilities | Kortfristiga skulder | |||
Accounts payable | Leverantörsskulder | 27 | 31 | 32 |
Liabilities to Group companies | Skulder till koncernföretag | 3 | 6 | 404 |
Other liabilities | Övriga skulder | 16 | 8 | 12 |
Accrued expenses and deferred income | Upplupna kostnader och förutbetalda intäkter | 69 | 63 | 75 |
Total current liabilities | Summa kortfristiga skulder | 115 | 108 | 523 |
Total liabilities | Summa skulder | 2,441 | 2,819 | 3,314 |
Total equity and liabilities | Summa eget kapital och skulder | 14,334 | 12,614 | 14,815 |