Together for sustainable community development
The year 2022 held many challenges but Peab continued to stand stably rooted in community building throughout the Nordic region. While we managed the uncertainties in the world around us we contributed in many ways to improving everyday life where people live it.
Summarizing 2022 we can conclude that Peab, despite a challenging time, can report a stable profit. We are starting out 2023 with a high order backlog and strong financial position. Above all, our broad business model with four collaborating Nordic business areas has once again demonstrated that we can handle fluctuating market conditions in different segments and geographies. Group net sales increased by five percent in 2022 and amounted to SEK 63 billion. The high material and energy costs that marked the year are behind most of the increase in net sales. Operating profit was SEK 2.7 billion and the operating margin was 4.3 percent (5.2). During the year we have continued to invest according to plan in our operations in business areas Industry and Project Development, which together with more tied up working capital has charged cash flow.
Wide-ranging business
Variations in projects, their size and geographic spread continues to be good in the Peab Group as does the allocation of orders between the public and private sector. All this contributes to spreading the risks in the business and creating greater stability. We have seen the impact of cost inflation in business area Construction in all our Nordic countries. For the most part it has been counteracted by higher prices to our customers and by adjustments and streamlining our operations, although we have not been able to fully compensate for it. Activity has been high in business area Civil Engineering, especially in the public sector but even here cost increases have had a negative effect on the operating margin. In our industrial business higher costs for energy and fuel had a negative effect primarily on paving and mineral aggregates operations, particularly in Norway, Finland and Denmark where we did not achieve full compensation from our customers. The other segments of business area Industry reported improved profitability in 2022. In business area Project Development demand for housing has gone down in all countries, mostly in the second half of the year, which has led to a lower rate of home sales and fewer production starts. The market is cautious concerning any kind of home due to higher interest rates, inflation and uncertainty about the economy, which makes it harder to make ends meet in calculations. At the same time we made long-term investments in the business area during the first half-year, among them starting a joint venture in Finland together with Slättö to develop and manage green housing properties.
Varying target outcome
The degree to which we have achieved our nine external, financial and non-financial, targets varies and has been affected by the rather challenging market circumstances. We have surpassed our targets regarding the Customer Satisfaction Index, recommend Peab as an employer (eNPS) and our target for equal opportunity recruitment. However, the trend for serious accidents has gone in the wrong direction during the year and we have not met our target of a contracting number of serious accidents in 2022. In order to augment our safety culture and turn the tide, we have intensified our efforts in taking preventative work environment measures. Carbon dioxide intensity is developing in the right direction for our two climate-related targets, although the reduction in input goods and purchased services is smaller than in our own production. If we are going to achieve the difficult climate challenge we are facing everyone has to bring their A-game and work together.
When it comes to our financial targets our first target is to over time and a normal business cycle have an operating margin that surpasses 6 percent. In 2022 it fell from 5.2 to 4.3 percent due to cost inflation and the worsening market situation. Our second financial target, the net debt/equity ratio, was 0.5 which is in the middle of the target interval 0.3-0.7. Based on Peab’s third financial target of distributing dividends of at least 50 percent of profit for the year, the Board proposes a dividend of SEK 4.00 (5.00) per share for 2022. Excluding the number of shares held by Peab AB, this corresponds to 56 percent of profit for the year and means we have achieved our target while maintaining our financial flexibility. During the year we also carried out a program for repurchasing our own shares.
Clear sustainability priorities
The non-financial targets are an expression of our sense of responsibility and therefore also define our sustainability priorities. As a leading Nordic community builder we have a big impact – and thereby a big responsibility. This responsibility means that in our own operations we strive to choose the most sustainable way forward as well as drive sustainable development in our industry, and our targets are aimed at this. We should be climate neutral by 2045 and we have set up two targets concerning carbon dioxide intensity for 2030 along the way. The matter of materials is key here and our own ECO-products are vital to achieving this target. We should also take advantage of all the competence in society and ensure that our capable employees can work in safe and developing environments. We have therefore set targets regarding equal opportunity recruitment and workplace accidents. In 2023 we will launch an internship for young women that want to try out working for us as community builders. It’s one of our activities to promote gender equality in our industry.
While we managed the uncertainties in the world around us we contributed in many ways to improving everyday life where people live it.
We also strive to make our industry safe and sound, working for both healthy competition and governance at every level, in particular throughout the supply chain. We actively work for our industry to be open, play fair and have humane working conditions. Our specifications should be clear, particularly concerning climate matters, and we should collaborate with other actors in our industry. Working together and sharing solutions leads to finding the most long-lasting, sustainable ways forward.
Our work is founded on the UN Global Compact that we continue to support and the 17 global goals for sustainable development along with Peab’s Code of Conduct, core values, business concept, mission and the strategic targets. Business plans are important and guide employees in realizing our sustainability aspects and integrating them into their roles and daily operations. On top of that we have continued with educational programs in the areas of ethics, the environment, purchasing, the work environment and equal treatment.
In the past few years we have handled the effects of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine with the resulting energy crisis and cost inflation, and now we are also adjusting to higher interest rates. During 2022 we also faced the risk of losing our supply of cement but in December Cementa received a four year permit to continue quarrying limestone. Now the company is working on an application for a longer period, around 30 years, to ensure long-lasting limestone quarrying in Sweden.
Market conditions were challenging in 2022 and the market development was weaker than most analysts had expected. Market prospects in construction and civil engineering in the Nordic region have been notched down further for 2023, mainly due to a declining housing market. However, demand is expected to be more stable in public building construction, civil engineering and investments associated with green transition.
Naturally we have been affected by this development but we remain stable. This is completely thanks to our solid business model and our 15,000 engaged employees who, in their local markets all over the Nordic region, handle the difficult market situation well and make local community building possible. The collaboration between our four business models with local resources in the form of our own input goods like our ECO-products, our own employees and local subcontractors definitely reduces our vulnerability. I therefore want to express a heartfelt thanks to each and every one of my colleagues who day after day continue to deliver quality to our customers and thereby strengthen Peab and society. Thank you so much!
This is also how we handle the current market and external challenges. We continue to streamline and adjust our operations to meet the demand on the market in different segments and geographies. We redirect and trim our organization to be strong for the future. At the same time our financial clout provides Peab with the ability to take advantage of opportunities that can arise on the weaker market. We know that over time the long-term driving forces in the world work in Peab’s favor and there is still a great need for our products and services.
I am confident about the future, Peab’s way forward in our role as a local community builder and our ability in collaboration with others to build tomorrow’s sustainable communities.
Förslöv in March 2023
Jesper Göransson
President and CEO