Note 9 Employees, personnel costs and remuneration to senior officers

Costs for remuneration to employees

Group, MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Salaries and remuneration etc. Löner och ersättningar m.m. 8,510 8,340
Pension costs, defined contribution plans Pensionskostnader, avgiftsbaserade planer 989 996
Social security Sociala avgifter 2,148 2,173
Total Summa 11,647 11,509

Average number of employees

No. of employees 2022 Of which were women 2022 percent No. of employees 2021 Of which were women 2021 percent
Antal anställda 2022 Varav kvinnor 2022 procent Antal anställda 2021 Varav kvinnor 2021 procent
Parent company Moderbolaget
Sweden Sverige 160 53 160 52
Subsidaries Dotterföretag
Sweden Sverige 10,720 14 10,689 13
Norway Norge 1,906 12 1,849 11
Finland Finland 1,972 15 1,926 14
Denmark Danmark 284 7 280 8
Poland Polen 3 100 3 67
Total in subsidaries Totalt i dotterföretag 14,885 14 14,747 13
Group Koncernen 15,045 14 14,907 13

Gender distribution in boards and other senior officers

2022 Percentage of women 2021 Percentage of women
2022 Andel kvinnor procent 2021 Andel kvinnor procent
Parent company Moderbolaget
The Board of Directors Styrelsen 45 45
Other senior officers 1) Övriga ledande befattningshavare 1) 20 20
Group Koncernen
Boards 2) Styrelser 2) 43 44
Other senior officers 3) Övriga ledande befattningshavare 3) 14 16

1) Refers to executive management.

2) Refers to the Board of Directors in the parent company and boards in subsidiaries.

3) Other senior officers in the Group refers to executive management along with business area management.

Salaries and other remuneration as well as pension costs for senior officers

Group 2022‚ MSEK Board of Directors and senior officers (16 persons) 1)
Koncernen 2022. Mkr Styrelse och ledande befattningshavare (16 personer) 1)
Salaries and other remuneration Löner och andra ersättningar 39
– of which variable remuneration – varav rörlig ersättning 1
Pension costs Pensionskostnader 17
– of which pension costs for variable remuneration – varav pensionskostnader från rörlig ersättning 3

1) The group senior officers refers to executive management. During 2022 the group consisted of eight persons, five of which were in the parent company and three persons in other subsidiaries.

Group 2021‚ MSEK Board of Directors and senior officers (16 persons) 1)
Koncernen 2021. Mkr Styrelse och ledande befattningshavare (16 personer) 1)
Salaries and other remuneration Löner och andra ersättningar 38
– of which variable remuneration – varav rörlig ersättning 2
Pension costs Pensionskostnader 36
– of which pension costs for variable remuneration – varav pensionskostnader från rörlig ersättning 23

1) The group senior officers refers to executive management. During 2021 the group consisted of eight persons, five of which were in the parent company and three persons in other subsidiaries.

Salaries and other remuneration divided among senior officers and other employees as well as social security costs

Parent company 2022‚ MSEK Board of Directors and senior officers (13 persons) 1) Other employees Total
Moderbolaget 2022. Mkr Styrelse och ledande befattningshavare (13 personer) 1) Övriga anställda Totalt
Salaries and other remuneration Löner och andra ersättningar 29 113 142
– of which variable remuneration – varav rörlig ersättning 0 4 4
Social security costs Sociala kostnader 24 65 89
– of which pension costs – varav pensionskostnader 11 23 34
– of which pension costs for variable remuneration – varav pensionskostnader från rörlig ersättning 2 5 7

1) The group senior officers refers to parts of executive management. During 2022 the group consisted of five persons in the parent company.

Parent company 2021‚ MSEK Board of Directors and senior officers (13 persons) 1) Other employees Total
Moderbolaget 2021. Mkr Styrelse och ledande befattningshavare (13 personer) 1) Övriga anställda Totalt
Salaries and other remuneration Löner och andra ersättningar 27 122 149
– of which variable remuneration – varav rörlig ersättning 2 2
Social security costs Sociala kostnader 43 74 117
– of which pension costs – varav pensionskostnader 10 25 35
– of which pension costs for variable remuneration – varav pensionskostnader från rörlig ersättning 17 2 19

1) The group senior officers refers to parts of executive management. During 2021 the group consisted of five persons in the parent company.

Salaries and other remuneration for senior officers in 2022

Thousands, SEK Basic pay/Board remuneration Variable remuneration LTI-program 1) Other
Pension costs Total
Kkr Grundlön/ styrelsearvode Rörlig ersättning LTI-program 1) Övriga
Pensions-kostnad Summa
Chairman of the Board, Anders Runevad Styrelsens ordförande, Anders Runevad 1,360 1,360
Other members of the Board Övrig styrelse
Karl-Axel Granlund Karl-Axel Granlund 760 760
Lars Sköld Lars Sköld 765 765
Fredrik Paulsson Fredrik Paulsson 760 760
Kerstin Lindell Kerstin Lindell 680 680
Liselott Kilaas Liselott Kilaas 680 680
Malin Persson Malin Persson 600 600
Magdalena Gerger Magdalena Gerger 680 680
Board of Directors fees, remuneration from the parent company Styrelsearvode, ersättning från moderbolaget 6,285 6,285
CEO, Jesper Göransson Verkställande direktör, Jesper Göransson 8,760 876 558 4,691 2) 14,885
Other senior officers, remuneration from the parent company Andra ledande befattningshavare, ersättning från moderbolaget 13,008 1,300 989 6,029 3) 21,326
Other senior officers, remuneration from subsidiaries Andra ledande befattningshavare, ersättning från dotterföretag 9,000 900 707 3,445 4) 14,052
Total Summa 37,053 3,076 2,254 14,165 56,548
Remuneration from the parent company Ersättning från moderbolaget 28,053 2,176 1,547 10,720 42,496
Remuneration from subsidiaries Ersättning från dotterföretag 9,000 900 707 3,445 14,052

1) For more information see Long-term incentive program (LTI program).

2) Includes fees for endowment insurance of SEK 471 thousand.

3) Includes fees for endowment insurance of SEK 349 thousand.

4) Includes fees for endowment insurance of SEK 153 thousand.

Salaries and other remuneration for senior officers in 2021

Thousands, SEK Basic pay/Board remuneration Variable remuneration LTI-program 1) Other
Pension costs Total
Kkr Grundlön/ styrelsearvode Rörlig ersättning LTI-program 1) Övriga
Pensions-kostnad Summa
Chairman of the Board, Anders Runevad Styrelsens ordförande, Anders Runevad 1,250 1,250
Other members of the Board Övrig styrelse
Karl-Axel Granlund Karl-Axel Granlund 700 700
Lars Sköld Lars Sköld 700 700
Fredrik Paulsson Fredrik Paulsson 700 700
Kerstin Lindell Kerstin Lindell 625 625
Liselott Kilaas Liselott Kilaas 625 625
Malin Persson Malin Persson 550 550
Magdalena Gerger Magdalena Gerger 625 625
Board of Directors fees, remuneration from the parent company Styrelsearvode, ersättning från moderbolaget 5,775 5,775
CEO, Jesper Göransson Verkställande direktör, Jesper Göransson 7,968 4,781 2,435 485 4,240 2) 19,909
Other senior officers, remuneration from the parent company Andra ledande befattningshavare, ersättning från moderbolaget 12,060 5,804 3,897 880 6,002 3) 28,643
Other senior officers, remuneration from subsidiaries Andra ledande befattningshavare, ersättning från dotterföretag 8,543 5,127 2,611 566 3,248 4) 20,095
Total Summa 34,346 15,712 8,943 1,931 13,490 74,422
Remuneration from the parent company Ersättning från moderbolaget 25,803 10,585 6,332 1,365 10,242 54,327
Remuneration from subsidiaries Ersättning från dotterföretag 8,543 5,127 2,611 566 3,248 20,095

1) For more information see Long-term incentive program (LTI program).

2) Includes fees for endowment insurance of SEK 398 thousand.

3) Includes fees for endowment insurance of SEK 290 thousand.

4) Includes fees for endowment insurance of SEK 124 thousand.

Comments on the tables

From time to time the CEO and other senior officers may be offered variable remuneration. Other benefits refer primarily to company cars and vacation pay. Pension costs refer to costs charged to the year. See note 31 for additional information about pensions.

In 2021 and 2022 the group senior officers consisted of eight persons, of which five were in the parent company.

The Board of Directors

The 2022 AGM decided on a remuneration to members of the Board of SEK 6,285 thousand (5,775), of which SEK 5,400 thousand (4,950) refers to Board work and SEK 885 thousand (825) refers to committee work. Compensation for work as Chairman of the Board was SEK 1,200 thousand (1,100) and SEK 4,200 thousand (3,850) was divided among the other Board members. Compensation for work on the Remuneration Committee was SEK 240 thousand (225), SEK 240 thousand (225) for work on the Finance Committee and SEK 405 thousand (375) for work on the Audit Committee.

Remuneration is not paid to members of the Board who are permanent employees of the Group. There are no agreements for future pension/leaving remuneration or other benefits either for the Chairman of the Board or for other members of the Board.

Principles for remuneration to senior officers

The group senior officers is comprised of the eight senior officers who are members of executive management. The principles for remuneration to senior officers were adopted by the 2022 AGM.

Remuneration to the CEO and other senior officers consists of basic pay, any short-term incentives, extra health insurance and those benefits otherwise enjoyed by other Peab employees as well as pension. All pension obligations are defined contribution pensions. The total remuneration paid to each senior officer is based on market terms and the responsibilities and qualifications of the senior officer.

From time to time, senior officers may be offered short-term incentives. Short-term incentives may not exceed 60 percent of their basic pay and are primarily based on the Peab Group’s profitability and, from time to time, important Group goals. In 2021 Group goals were linked to Peab’s external financial and non-financial targets. Short-term incentives are determined for each financial year. Short-term incentives for the financial year 2022 were maximized at SEK 5,256 thousand (4,781) for the CEO and a total of SEK 13,205 thousand (10,931) for the other senior officers.

Short-term incentives are settled the year after being earned and may either be paid out as salary or placed as pension in financial instruments connected to the Peab share. If they are paid out as a one-off defined pension contribution, adjustments are made so as to neutralize the total cost for Peab.

From time to time, senior officers may be offered to participate in a LTI program. For senior officers and the CEO the upper limit (excluding social security) is 40 percent of their annual basic pay. The result of the LTI program is placed in a pension savings in a financial instrument connected to the Peab share. Provisions for the LTI program for 2022 were maximized at SEK 3,504 thousand (excluding social security) for the CEO and a total of SEK 8,803 thousand (excluding social security) for the other senior officers.

The period of notice from Peab is, at the most, 24 months and the period of notice from senior officers is, at the most, 6 months. If severance pay is paid the total remuneration for salary during the period of notice and severance pay may not exceed 24 months wages.


The CEO of Peab AB, Jesper Göransson, has in 2022 received a salary and other remuneration, including benefits, totaling SEK 9,318 thousand (8,453). In addition, he has received short-term incentives for 2022 of SEK 876 thousand (4,781). For the year 2022 no provision has been made for the LTI program, for the year 2021 a provision was made with SEK 2,435 thousand, which was placed in pension savings in endowment insurance connected to the Peab share. Pension contributions including fees for endowment insurance for the year were SEK 4,691 thousand (4,240).

The CEO has the right to retire from the age of 62. Annual pension contributions of 47 percent of basic pay are paid to meet this pledge. These are defined contribution pensions.

Notice on the part of Peab is twelve months with a reduction for any salary from a new employer combined with a severance pay of twelve months salary. Notice on the part of the CEO is six months combined with severance pay consisting of six months salary.

Other senior officers

The term other senior officers refers to the seven other persons in addition to the CEO that make up Peab’s executive management. Salary and other remuneration including benefits for other senior officers amounted to SEK 23,704 thousand (22,049). In addition, short-term incentives for 2022 amounted to SEK 2,200 thousand (10,931) which was placed in pension savings in endowment insurance connected to the Peab share, alternatively paid in cash. For the year 2022 no provisions have been made for the LTI program. For the year 2021 provisions were made for the LTI program with SEK 6,508 thousand, which was placed in pension savings in endowment insurance connected to the Peab share. Pension contributions including fees for endowment insurance during the year amounted to SEK 9,474 thousand (9,250).

The pension policy for senior officers means that pension contributions are based on a contribution ladder within, alternatively ITP or defined contributions entailing that the total contribution amounts to 35-47 percent of fixed salaries. Certain senior officers have an agreement with Peab that their employment ends the month they turn 62 years old. The other senior officers have an agreement that their employment ends the month they turn 65 years old.

Notice on the part of Peab is twelve months with a reduction for any salary from a new employer combined with severance pay consisting of six-twelve months salary. Notice on the part of the other senior officers is six months combined with severance pay consisting of six months salary.

Long-term incentive program (LTI program)

From time to time, senior officers may be offered to participate in a LTI program. The ongoing LTI program follows the business plan period 2021-2023 with annual reconciliation with operating margin targets for the Group. The program is open to approximately 600 of the Group’s key employees. In order for an employee to receive their share of the result of the LTI program the employee must still be working for Peab on December 31, 2023. For senior officers and the CEO the upper limit (excluding social security) is 40 percent of their annual basic pay. For other positions the upper limit (excluding social security) is 15-35 percent of their annual basic pay, depending on their position. The outcome of the LTI program will be placed in a pension savings connected to the Peab share alternatively paid as cash salary. For the year 2022 no provisions have been made for the LTI program. In 2021 the cost of the LTI program amounted to SEK 109 million including social security.

Profit-sharing foundation

In 2007, Peab founded a profit-sharing foundation. The object of the profit-sharing foundation is to create greater participation through employee co-ownership and to better employees’ financial situation after retirement. Individual annual shares in profits are related to the employee’s profit-sharing entitling work hours. Upon retirement shareholders can withdraw their share in the foundation. Under the foundation’s investment policy, its assets must be mainly invested in shares in Peab. In 2022 no provision has been made for the profit-sharing foundation. In 2021 Peab allocated SEK 91 million including payroll tax.

Senior officers and other employees with other short-term incentives are not entitled to benefits from the profit-sharing foundation.