Note 37 Leasing

Leasing – lessees

Right-of-use assets
Group, MSEK Buildings and land Machinery and equipment Investment property Project and development properties Total
Koncernen, Mkr Byggnader och mark Maskiner och inventarier Förvaltningsfastigheter Projekt- och exploateringsfastigheter Totalt
Depreciations during 2022 Avskrivningar under 2022 -292 -337 -629
Closing recognized value December 31, 2022 Utgående redovisat värde 31 december 2022 1,269 945 21 332 2,567
Depreciations during 2021 Avskrivningar under 2021 -278 -335 -613
Closing recognized value December 31, 2021 Utgående redovisat värde 31 december 2021 1,256 881 19 326 2,482

Included in the Group’s additional rights of use is the purchase price for newly acquired rights of use in 2022 as well as future amounts from reevaluations of leasing liabilities due to changed payments because the leasing period has changed. Additional rights of use in 2022 amounted to SEK 700 million (748), of which SEK 76 million (100) refer to leaseholds recognized as project and development properties. Additional rights of use in 2022 included rights of use that come from the acquisition of companies Arne Olav Lund AS and Asfaltti-System OY. The comparable period includes additional rights of use that come from the acquisition of companies HGT AS and Fröseth AS.

Other leasing information

Peab reported interest rate costs on leasing liabilities of SEK 61 million (66) in 2022. Total leasing payments amounted to SEK 2,259 million (2,216).

The cost of current leasing for the year was SEK 1,529 million (1,502). The cost of leasing for smaller values for the year was SEK 47 million (45). Variable fees not included in leasing liabilities were SEK 12 million (5).

Leasing income for subleased items was SEK 2 million (3).

Interest-bearing liabilities are presented in note 30 and the maturity analysis is presented in note 36.

  • Buildings and land – mainly refers to rent for offices and other premises, leaseholds and land leases. Rent for offices and other premises normally matures between three and ten years. In cases where it is feasible that the extension option will be used it is included in the leasing period. Leaseholds that are non-cancellable are considered to have a never ending leasing period.
  • Machinery and equipment – mainly refers to vehicles. Leasing contracts normally mature between four and five years including extension options.
  • Investment properties – mainly refers to leaseholds. Leaseholds that are non-cancellable are considered to have a never ending leasing period.
  • Project and development properties – mainly refers to leaseholds. Leaseholds that are non-cancellable are considered to have a never ending leasing period.


Parent company, MSEK 2022 2021
Moderbolaget, Mkr 2022 2021
Future minimum leasing fees for non-cancellable leases Framtida minimileaseavgifter avseende icke uppsägningsbara leasingavtal
Within one year Inom ett år 5 5
Between one and five years Mellan ett och fem år 11 11
Later than five years Senare än fem år 8 11


Summa 24 27
Financial year’s expensed leasing fees Räkenskapsårets kostnadsförda leasingavgifter 18 18

Leasing- lessor

Leasing payments for the year recognized as income:
Group, MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Minimum lease payments Minimileaseavgifter 64 45
Variable fees Variabla avgifter 2 3
Total leasing income Totala leasingintäkter 66 48
Non-cancellable leasing payments amount to:
Group, MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Within a year Inom ett år 55 32
Between one and five years Mellan ett och fem år 47 22
Later than five years Senare än fem år 16 34
Total Summa 118 88