Note 14 Taxes

Recognized in the income statement

Group, MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Current tax expenses/income Aktuell skattekostnad/skatteintäkt
Tax expenses for the year Årets skattekostnad -478 -423
Adjustment of tax attributable to previous years Justering av skatt hänförlig till tidigare år -5 0
-483 -423
Deferred tax expenses/income Uppskjuten skattekostnad/skatteintäkt
Temporary differences Temporära skillnader -104 19
Capitalized tax value of loss carry-forwards during the year Under året aktiverat skattevärde i underskottsavdrag 19 15
Utilisation of capitalized tax value of loss carry-forwards Utnyttjande av aktiverat skattevärde i underskottsavdrag -18 -159
Tax reduction investments in equipment Skattereduktion investeringar i inventarier -23 23
-126 -102
Total recognized tax expenses in the Group Totalt redovisad skattekostnad i koncernen -609 -525


Parent company, MSEK 2022 2021
Moderbolaget, Mkr 2022 2021
Current tax expenses/income Aktuell skattekostnad/skatteintäkt
Tax expenses for the year Årets skattekostnad -388 -294
-388 -294
Deferred tax expenses/income Uppskjuten skattekostnad/skatteintäkt
Temporary differences Temporära skillnader -46 15
-46 15
Total recognized tax expenses in the parent company Totalt redovisad skattekostnad i moderbolaget -434 -279

Reconciliation of effective tax

Group, MSEK 2022 2022 (%) 2021 2021 (%)
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2022 (%) 2021 2021 (%)
Pre-tax profit Resultat före skatt 2,440 2,902
Tax in accordance with tax rate for the parent company Skatt enligt gällande skattesats för moderbolaget -503 20.6 -598 20.6
Effect of other tax rates for foreign subsidiaries Effekt av andra skattesatser för utländska dotterföretag 6 -0.2 2 -0.1
Non-deductible expenses Ej avdragsgilla kostnader -81 3.3 -82 2.8
Tax exempt income Ej skattepliktiga intäkter 87 -3.6 65 -2.2
Deductible non profit-influencing items Avdragsgilla/skattepliktiga, ej resultatpåverkande poster -56 2.3 27 -0.9
Utilized non-capitalized loss carry-forwards Utnyttjade ej aktiverade underskottsavdrag 0 0.0 1 0.0
Tax attributable to previous years Skatt hänförlig till tidigare år -5 0.2 0 0.0
Increase in loss carry-forwards without corresponding capitalization of deferred tax Ökning av underskottsavdrag utan motsvarande aktivering av uppskjuten skatt -82 3.4 -5 0.2
Effect net profit of joint ventures Effekt nettoresultat joint ventures 25 -1.0 42 -1.5
Tax reduction investments in equipment Skattereduktion investeringar i inventarier 23 -0.8
Recognized effective tax Redovisad effektiv skatt -609 25.0 -525 18.1


Parent company, MSEK 2022 2022 (%) 2021 2021 (%)
Moderbolaget, Mkr 2022 2022 (%) 2021 2021 (%)
Pre-tax profit Resultat före skatt 2,907 1,522
Tax according to tax rate for the parent company Skatt enligt gällande skattesats för moderbolaget -599 20.6 -313 20.6
Non-deductible expenses Ej avdragsgilla kostnader -11 0.4 -4 0.3
Tax exempt income Ej skattepliktiga intäkter 210 -7.3 13 -0.9
Deductible non profit-influencing items Avdragsgilla/skattepliktiga, ej resultatpåverkande poster -34 1.2 25 -1.7
Recognized effective tax Redovisad effektiv skatt -434 14.9 -279 18.3

Tax attributable to other comprehensive income

Pre-tax Tax After tax Pre-tax Tax After tax
Group, MSEK 2022 2021
Före skatt Skatt Efter skatt Före skatt Skatt Efter skatt
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Translation difference for the year foreign operations Årets omräkningsdifferens utländska verksamheter 210 210 184 184
Joint ventures´ other comprehensive income Joint ventures övrigt totalresultat 19 19
Cash flow hedges Kassaflödessäkringar 2 -1 1 6 -1 5
Other comprehensive income Övrigt totalresultat 231 -1 230 190 -1 189

Reported on the balance sheet

Deferred tax recoverables and tax liabilities

Deferred tax recoverables Deferred tax liabilities Net Changes recognized in profit/loss for the year
Group, MSEK 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Uppskjuten skattefordran Uppskjuten skatteskuld Netto Förändringar redovisade i årets resultat
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Intangible assets Immateriella anläggningstillgångar -95 -90 -95 -90 0 -5
Tangible assets Materiella anläggningstillgångar -833 -794 -833 -794 -15 26
Investment property Förvaltningsfastigheter -5 -5 -5 -5 0 0
Financial fixed assets Finansiella anläggningstillgångar 2 2 2 2 0 0
Project and development properties Projekt- och exploateringsfastigheter -1,470 -1,205 -1,470 -1,205 -253 -193
Inventories Varulager 5 -1 5 -1 6 3
Accounts receivable Kundfordringar 18 23 18 23 -5 -10
Worked-up not invoiced income Upparbetad ej fakturerad intäkt 79 172 79 172 -81 -45
Other receivables Övriga fordringar 18 74 18 74 -55 -16
Interest-bearing liabilities Räntebärande skulder 2,083 1,553 2,083 1,553 521 448
Provisions for pensions Pensionsavsättningar 207 274 207 274 -67 22
Provisions Avsättningar 134 146 134 146 -17 -30
Invoiced income not worked-up Fakturerad ej upparbetad intäkt -178 -92 -178 -92 -86 -26
Other liabilities Övriga skulder 302 345 302 345 -43 -54
Loss carry-forwards Underskottsavdrag 159 153 159 153 0 -144
Tax allocation reserves Periodiseringsfonder -732 -724 -732 -724 -8 -102
Safety reserve Säkerhetsreserv -1 -1 -1 -1 1
Tax reduction investments in equipment Skattereduktion investeringar i inventarier 23 23 -23 23
Tax recoverables/tax liabilities Skattefordringar/-skulder 3,007 2,765 -3,314 -2,912 -307 -147
Offset Kvittning -2,827 -2,591 2,827 2,591
Net Netto 180 174 -487 -321 -307 -147 -126 -102
Deferred tax recoverables Changes recognized in profit/loss for the year
Parent company, MSEK 2022 2021 2022 2021
Uppskjuten skattefordran Förändringar redovisade i årets resultat
Moderbolaget, Mkr 2022 2021 2022 2021
Provisions for pensions Pensionsavsättningar 93 134 -41 11
Other liabilities Övriga skulder 1 6 -5 4
Net Netto 94 140 -46 15

Unrecognized deferred tax recoverables regarding loss carry-forwards

Ongoing correspondence with the Swedish Tax Authorities as well as assessments made together with external experts on the deductability of individual deductions have been taken into consideration when evaluating deferred tax recoverables. The judgement per 2022-12-31 as well as 2021-12-31 is that there are no uncertainties regarding the deductability of loss carry-forwards in Sweden and because of that tax recoverables of loss carry-forwards are recognized as assets without any adjustments.

In the Norwegian operations the ability to use loss carry-forwards of SEK 964 million (608) remains uncertain. They have not been capitalized. The fiscal value of the non-capitalized loss carry-forward is SEK 212 million (134).

In the Danish operations the ability to use loss carry-forwards of SEK 27 million (–) is uncertain. They have not been capitalized. The fiscal value of the non-capitalized loss carry-forward is SEK 6 million (–).

Changed tax rates

As of 2021 the tax rate in Sweden has changed to 20.6 percent.

The fiscal temporary differences are valued at the tax rate valid at the time the temporary differences are expected to cease to exist.