Advantages of Peab’s business model
Internal collaboration between business areas in the processing chain and local presence are two of the cornerstones in our business model. They generate synergies in our operations and give us the circumstances to reduce our negative impact and promote positive social development. We achieve our strategic targets across the board by having a highly processed collaborating business. Here is a list of the advantages of Peab’s business model.
Business model: Financial advantages
- Degree of processing
- Revenue diversification
- Investment opportunities and financing strength
- Risk minimization
Operative advantages:
- Local resources (input goods and employees)
- Products and technical solutions
- Experience exchanges
- Scale advantages
- Environmental and climate impact
- Ethical business
- Work environment and safety
- Equal opportunity and diversity
- Education and development of youths
- Jobs and local development
Our suppliers
Approximate information
Suppliers 2022
- 2,000 framework and call-off contract suppliers
- 1,500 represent 80 percent of the Group’s purchasing volume
Purchase categories
- of which 6 critical categories
Geographic allocation:
- Swedish: 67 %
- Norwegian: 15 %
- Finnish: 15 %
- Danish: 3 %
Our business areas
Civil Engineering
Project Development
Highly processed business in collaboration
Our own products, expertise, input goods and services throughout the processing chain
Our customers
Approximate information
Customers 2022
- of which public sector: 2,000
- of which private sector: 16,000
Does not include private persons
Projects 2022
- Refers to construction and civil engineering contracts as well as housing and property development projects
- Includes started-up, completed and during all of 2022 ongoing projects.
Geographic allocation:
- Swedish: 71 %
- Norwegian: 14 %
- Finnish: 11 %
- Danish: 4 %