Internal collaboration is the road to profitability

With our engaged employees we ensure productivity and quality. Our local presence and the advantage of our size and mix of operations help us become the most profitable company in our industry.

Operating margin

The target is measured according to segment reporting.


Target: >6%

Outcome 2022: 4.3%

Net debt/equity ratio

Net debt in relation to equity. The target is measured according to segment reporting.


Target: 0.3-0.7

Outcome 2022: 0.5


The target is to surpass 50 percent of profit for the year. Measured according to segment reporting.

Target: >50

Outcome 2022: 56%

Four collaborating business areas

Peab has a robust business model. With our four business areas we control a large part of the value chain which enables us to increase the level of processing within our own operations. It’s all about using our leverage in the vertical processing chain – from acquiring land to pro­duc­tion and operation – through good in­ternal collaboration, our own pro­duc­ts, technical solutions and business con­cepts.

Our purchasing function and our Procurement Council are two important functions for promoting the internal level of processing, as are discussions with existing and potential customers at an early stage. Our extensive local presence throughout the Nordic region sets the stage for higher internal processing and strengthens our ability to deliver where there is growth. To achieve this we can adapt our mix of operations, based on our four business areas, to local conditions and take advantage of our size and experience. We are continually making supplemental acquisitions to develop our business in this direction. In 2022 this included acquisitions in Fin­land and Norway in business area Civil Engineering and in business area In­du­stry as well as establishing joint ventures in business area Pro­ject­ Development in Fin­land. In addition to taking total responsibility for projects, we also work on parts of larger pro­jects where, in that case, every business area operates on its own.

Meanwhile, we have to continually strive to be more efficient in every aspect of our business. Our efforts to increase di­gi­ta­li­zation is a vital component in dri­ving our efficiency forward. We work continuously on streamlining our or­ga­ni­za­tio­n and during the year we in­ten­si­fi­e­d this endeavor due to the developments in the economy.

Three financial targets

Within the framework of this stra­te­gic target most profitable company, we measure our business through three fi­nan­ci­al targets based on segment re­porting over a nor­ma­l business cycle. They are that the operating margin will exceed six percent, the net debt/equity ratio will be in the interval 0.3-0.7 and that dividends will be at least 50 per­cent of profit for the year.

With our four business areas we control a large part of the value chain which enables us to increase the level of processing within our own operations.

The target for the operating margin is based on the prerequisites Peab had after the acquisition in business area In­du­stry and the distribution of the property portfolio in the form of An­ne­hem Fas­tig­he­ter – both during 2020 – as well as the successful work in the Group over several years to stabilize and strengthen the operating margin. The target also comprises various benchmarks for the operating margin per business area, with higher mar­gi­n demands on the ca­pi­tal in­ten­si­ve business areas In­du­stry and Pro­ject­ Development.

“When it comes to our fi­nan­ci­al targets, the first one is to over time, and during a normal business cycle, have an operating margin that exceeds six percent. In 2022 it contracted from 5.2 to 4.3 percent as a result of cost inflation and the faltering market situation.

Our second financial target, the net debt/equity ratio, was 0.5 at the end of the year which is within the target interval 0.3-0.7. During the year we have continued to invest in, above all, our capital intense operations. In addition, we carried out a program for repurchasing our own shares. The net debt/equity ratio is at a level that maintains our financial strength.

Based on Peab’s third financial target of distributing dividends of over 50 percent of profit for the year, the Board has proposed a dividend of SEK 4.00 (5.00) per share for the financial year 2022. Excluding the shares held by Peab AB, this corresponds to 56 percent of profit for the year according to segment reporting. This means we will achieve our financial target regarding dividends.

Despite the weaker market conditions Peab remains stable. We con­tin­ue to stream­line and ad­just our op­er­a­tions to meet the de­mand on the mar­ket in dif­fer­ent seg­ments and ge­o­gra­phies. We redi­rect and trim our or­ga­ni­za­tion to be strong for the future. At the same time our fi­nan­cial clout pro­vides Peab with the abil­i­ty to take ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­ni­ties that can arise on the weak­er mar­ket.”

Niclas Winkvist, CFO

Operating margin

Target: >6% according to segment reporting

* Years 2015-2018 not translated according to changed accounting principles for own housing development projects. **Operating margin excluding the effect of the distribution of Annehem Fastigheter (SEK 952 million)

Net debt/equity ratio

Target: 0.3-0.7 according to segment reporting

* Years 2015-2018 not translated according to changed accounting principles for own housing development projects.


Target: >50% of profit for the year according to segment reporting

* Years 2015-2018 not translated according to changed accounting principles. ** For 2019, no cash dividend has been paid. The value of the distribution of Annehem Fastigheter at the time of the distribution in December 2020 amounted to 97 percent of the profit for the year 2019. *** The proportion is calulated without the effect of SEK 952 million on profit due to the distribution of Annehem Fastigheter. **** Board of Directors’ proposal to the AGM, calculated on number of outstanding shares.