Note 16 Intangible assets

Intangible assets, external purchase Intangible assets, internally developed
Group 2022‚ MSEK Goodwill Brands Customer relations and customer contracts Tenancies gravel and rock quarries Other intangible assets Balanced development costs Total
Immateriella tillgångar, externt förvärvade Immateriella tillgångar, internt utvecklade
Koncernen 2022. Mkr Goodwill Varumärken Kundrelationer och kundkontrakt Nyttjanderätter grus- och bergtäkter Övriga immateriella tillgångar Balanserade utvecklingsutgifter Totalt
Opening acquisition value Ingående anskaffningsvärde 3,156 222 159 328 309 150 4,324
Purchases Inköp 8 59 67
Purchases through acquired companies Inköp via förvärvade företag 77 19 1 97
Sales/disposals Försäljningar och utrangeringar -20 -5 -5 -4 -34
Reclassifications Omklassificering 1 -1 3 3
Exchange rate differences Valutakursdifferens 121 3 12 8 1 145
Closing accumulated acquisition value Utgående ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden 3,334 240 166 335 318 209 4,602
Opening depreciation Ingående avskrivningar -141 -149 -121 -73 -27 -511
Sales/disposals Försäljningar och utrangeringar 5 5 4 14
Depreciation 1) Avskrivningar 1) -14 -4 -19 -32 -18 -87
Exchange rate differences Valutakursdifferens -2 -12 -1 -2 -17
Closing accumulated depreciation Utgående ackumulerade avskrivningar -152 -160 -141 -103 -45 -601
Opening write-downs Ingående nedskrivningar -44 -44
Sales and disposals Försäljningar och utrangeringar 20 20
Write-downs 2) Årets nedskrivningar 2) -1 -1
Closing accumulated write-downs Utgående ackumulerade nedskrivningar -25 -25
Closing recognized value Utgående redovisat värde 3,309 88 6 194 215 164 3,976


Intangible assets, external purchase Intangible assets, internally developed
Group 2021‚ MSEK Goodwill Brands Customer relations and customer contracts Tenancies gravel and rock quarries Other intangible assets Balanced development costs Total
Immateriella tillgångar, externt förvärvade Immateriella tillgångar, internt utvecklade
Koncernen 2021. Mkr Goodwill Varumärken Kundrelationer och kundkontrakt Nyttjanderätter grus- och bergtäkter Övriga immateriella tillgångar Balanserade utvecklingsutgifter Totalt
Opening acquisition value Ingående anskaffningsvärde 3,092 280 145 271 289 147 4,224
Purchases Inköp 26 27 53
Purchases through acquired companies Inköp via förvärvade företag 28 7 10 44 89
Sales/disposals Försäljningar och utrangeringar -72 -11 -22 -105
Reclassifications Omklassificering 10 3 -2 11
Exchange rate differences Valutakursdifferens 36 7 4 3 2 52
Closing accumulated acquisition value Utgående ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden 3,156 222 159 328 309 150 4,324
Opening depreciation Ingående avskrivningar -192 -131 -102 -59 -31 -515
Depreciation through acquired companies Avskrivningar via förvärvade bolag -2 -2
Sales/disposals Försäljningar och utrangeringar 70 11 16 97
Depreciation 1) Avskrivningar 1) -15 -15 -17 -23 -13 -83
Reclassifications Omklassificering -1 1
Exchange rate differences Valutakursdifferens -4 -3 -1 -8
Closing accumulated depreciation Utgående ackumulerade avskrivningar -141 -149 -121 -73 -27 -511
Opening write-downs Ingående nedskrivningar -24 -6 -30
Sales and disposals Försäljningar och utrangeringar 2 6 8
Write-downs 2) Årets nedskrivningar 2) -20 -2 -22
Closing accumulated write-downs Utgående ackumulerade nedskrivningar -44 -44
Closing recognized value Utgående redovisat värde 3,112 81 10 207 236 123 3,769


1) Depreciation is recognized in the following lines of the income statement:

MSEK 2022 2021
Mkr 2022 2021
Production costs Kostnader för produktion -41 -49
Sales and administrative expenses Försäljnings- och administrationskostnader -46 -34
Total Summa -87 -83

2) Write-downs are recognized in the following line of the income statement:

MSEK 2022 2021
Mkr 2022 2021
Production costs Kostnader för produktion -1 -22
Total Summa -1 -22

Goodwill impairment testing in cash generating units

The Peab Group balance sheet 2022-12-31 included total goodwill of SEK 3,309 million (3,112). The table below shows goodwill per group of cash generating units for which goodwill is tested for impairment.

MSEK 2022 2021
Mkr 2022 2021
Construction Bygg
Construction Sweden Bygg Sverige 76 76
Construction Finland Bygg Finland 72 66
Construction Norway Bygg Norge 160 155
Civil Engineering Anläggning
Civil Engineering Sweden Anläggning Sverige 124 125
Civil Engineering Norway Anläggning Norge 80 18
Industry Industri
Industry Sweden Industri Sverige 1,416 1,416
Industry Finland Industri Finland 1,324 1,201
Industry Norway Industri Norge 12 12
Industry Denmark Industri Danmark 24 22
Project Development Projektutveckling
Housing Development Sweden Bostadsutveckling Sverige 14 14
Housing Development Norway Bostadsutveckling Norge 7 7
Total Summa 3,309 3,112

Goodwill write-downs

The Group has written down goodwill in 2022 by SEK 1 million (20). Write-downs for the year refer to business area Civil Engineering and are due to low profitability in existing operations. For the cash generating units where a calculation of the recovery value was made and no write-down need was identified, it is executive management’s assessment that there is no impending risk of a material write-down of goodwill in the coming financial year.

Method for calculating recovery value

The recovery value for all goodwill values has been derived by calculating the useful value for the cash generating units. The calculation model is based on a discount of forecasted future cash flows compared to the unit’s reported values. These future cash flows are based on five year forecasts produced by the management of the respective group of cash generating units. Goodwill impairment tests have an infinite time horizon and extrapolation of cash flow for the years after the forecast was calculated based on a growth rate from year six onwards of approximately two percent.

Important variables when calculating useful value

The following variables are material and common to all cash generating units in calculation of useful value:

Net sales: The business’ historical development, expected changes in the construction and civil engineering business cycle as well as the real estate sector, general socioeconomic developments, investment plans of public and municipal customers, interest rate levels and local market conditions.

Operating margin: Historic profitability levels and operative efficiency, access to key personnel and qualified manpower, access to internal resources and hikes in salary, material and subcontractor costs.

Working capital requirements: Individual case assessment of whether the working capital reflects the company’s needs or whether it should be adjusted for the forecast period. A reasonable or cautious assumption for future development is that it parallels net sales growth. A high level of internally developed projects may entail a greater need for working capital.

Investment needs: The company’s investment needs are assessed on the investments required to achieve the initially forecasted cash flow, i.e. not including expansion investments.

Tax burden: The tax rate in forecasts is based on Peab’s expected tax situation in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark with regards to tax rates, loss carry-forwards etc.

Discount rate: Forecasted cash flows and residual values are discounted to current value applying a weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Interest rates on borrowed capital have been market adjusted to each country. The required return on equity is based on the Capital Asset Pricing Model. A weighted discount rate after tax has been used in calculating useful values. The discount rate after tax used on cash generating units in Sweden is on average 8.6 percent (7.8), in Norway 8.4 percent (7.8), in Finland 8.6 percent (7.8) and in Denmark 8.3 percent (7.8). The corresponding pre-tax discount in Sweden was on average 8.7 percent (7.9), in Norway 8.5 percent (7.9), in Finland 8.7 percent (7.8) and in Denmark 8.4 percent (7.8).

Intangible assets, external purchase
Parent company 2022‚ MSEK Other intangible assets
Immateriella tillgångar, externt förvärvade
Moderbolaget 2022. Mkr Övriga immateriella tillgångar
Opening acquisition value Ingående anskaffningsvärde 6
Closing accumulated acquisition value Utgående ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden 6
Opening depreciation Ingående avskrivningar -2
Depreciation 1) Avskrivningar 1) -1
Closing accumulated depreciation Utgående ackumulerade avskrivningar -3
Closing recognized value Utgående redovisat värde 3
Intangible assets, external purchase Intangible assets, internally developed
Parent company 2021‚ MSEK Other intangible assets Balanced development costs Total
Immateriella tillgångar, externt förvärvade Immateriella tillgångar, internt utvecklade
Moderbolaget 2021. Mkr Övriga immateriella tillgångar Balanserade utvecklingsutgifter Totalt
Opening acquisition value Ingående anskaffningsvärde 34 25 59
Sales Försäljningar -28 -25 -53
Closing accumulated acquisition value Utgående ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden 6 6
Opening depreciation Ingående avskrivningar -5 -11 -16
Sales Försäljningar 4 11 15
Depreciation 1) Avskrivningar 1) -1 -1
Closing accumulated depreciation Utgående ackumulerade avskrivningar -2 -2
Closing recognized value Utgående redovisat värde 4 4

1) Depreciation is recognized in the following line of the income statement:

MSEK 2022 2021
Mkr 2022 2021
Administration expenses Administrationskostnader -1 -1
Total Summa -1 -1