Note 36 Financial risks and Finance policy

Finance and treasury

The Group is exposed to various types of financial risks through its operations. The term financial risk refers to fluctuations in the company’s profit/loss and cash flow resulting from changes in exchange rates, interest rates, raw materials prices, refinancing and credit risks as well as liquidity needs. Group finance and treasury is governed by the Finance Policy established by Peab’s Board of Directors. The policy is a framework of guidelines and regulations in the form of a risk mandate and limitations in finance and treasury. The Board has appointed a Finance Committee which is chaired by the Chairman of the Board. It is authorized to make decisions that follow the Finance Policy in between meetings of the Board. The Finance Committee must report any such decisions at the next meeting of the Board. The Group function Finance and Treasury and the Group’s internal bank Peab Finans AB manage coordination of Group finance and treasury. The overall target of the finance function is to provide cost-effective funding and to minimize the negative effects on Group profit/loss from financial risks.

Liquidity risk

The liquidity risk refers to the risk of Peab having difficulties in meeting its payment obligations as a result of a lack of liquidity or problems in converting or receiving new external loans. To ensure access to liquid funds binding credit facilities are contracted. The Group has a rolling one-month liquidity plan for all the units in the Group. Plans are updated each week. Group forecasts also comprise liquidity planning in the medium term. Liquidity planning is used to handle the liquidity risk and the cost of Group financing.

The objective is for the Group to be able to meet its financial obligations in favorable and unfavorable market conditions without running into significant unforeseen costs. Liquidity risks are managed centrally for the entire Group by the central Finance and Treasury function and the liquidity available at year-end is presented below.

Available liquid funds

Group, MSEK 2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Koncernen, Mkr 2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Cash and bank holdings Kassa och bankplaceringar 1,506 2,951
Unutilized overdraft facilities Outnyttjade checkräkningskrediter 500 500
Other unused credit lines Övriga outnyttjade kreditlimiter 6,415 8,445
Liquidity commitment for outstanding commercial papers and utilized overdraft facilities Likviditetsåtagande för utestående företagscertifikat och utnyttjat checkräkningskredit -781 -1,306
Total Summa 7,640 10,590

Financing risk

Peab’s Finance Policy contains guidelines and regulations for managing Group interest-bearing liabilities. The Finance Policy does not, however, comprise regulations concerning interest-bearing liabilities in Swedish tenant-owner associations or leasing liabilities that Peab recognizes for leases that by the lessor are classified as operational leasing (IFRS 16, Additional leasing). Liabilities in Swedish tenant-​owner associations are approved in connection with handling start-up permission for tenant-​owner association projects, which is decided by the Group’s investment group for Housing Development. Utilization of operational leasing in Peab is managed according to Peab’s regulations for entering rental agreements and is decided by the Group’s investment group for Property Development. Mandates from the Board of Directors concerning investment groups are regulated in the Policy for Internal Control and Steering.

The Finance Policy dictates that Group net debt should mainly be covered by loan commitments that mature between 1 and 5 years. At the end of 2022, the average loan period for utilized credits was 62 months (58), for unutilized credits 20 months (32), and for all granted credits 44 months (45). Basic financing is a credit facility totaling SEK 7,400 million which matures in September 2024, after extension options have been utilized. A credit facility is refinanced no later than 1 year before maturity. This loan facility is supplemented by capital market financing, other kinds of current operations financing, project-related credits, financial leasing and installment financing. At the end of the year SEK 2,485 million (455) of the loan facility was utilized. The loan facility contains financial covenants in the form of interest coverage ratios and equity/assets ratios that the Group must meet, which is standard for this kind of loan. Peab exceeded the key ratios by a broad margin at the end of 2022.

Peab set up a lending program for commercial papers in 2004. Under the program, Peab can issue commercial papers for a maximum of SEK 3.5 billion. The borrower is Peab Finans AB and the guarantor is Peab AB. At the end of the year, Peab had outstanding commercial papers nominally worth EUR 15 million (118) corresponding to SEK 167 million (1,207).

Peab set up a MTN program in 2012 with a loan limit of SEK 5 billion. In 2022 new bond loans were issued with a nominal value of SEK 300 million (2,250) under the MTN program while bonds nominally worth SEK 300 million (1,750) matured during the year. At the end of the year 2022 Peab had outstanding bonds with a nominal value of SEK 2,750 million (2,750). Per December 31, 2022 Peab had issued SEK 1,500 million in bonds within the framework of green financing. The framework has been audited by the independent company CICERO Shades of Green which has classified it at level “medium green”. Funds from the green issue will be used to finance investments in green and energy efficient buildings, ECO-products and a more environmentally adapted production, green transportation and water and waste management.

Total credit commitments, excluding the unutilized part of the certificate program and the unutilized part of the MTN program, amounted to SEK 17,077 million (16,732) per December 31, 2022. Of the total credit commitments SEK 10,161 million (7,887) was utilized.

Age analysis of financial liabilities, undiscounted cash flow including interest

Group 2022‚ MSEK Currency Average interest rate on balance sheet day, % Nominal value, original currency Amount SEK Matures 2023 Matures 2024 Matures 2025 Matures 2026 Matures 2027 Matures 2028-
Koncernen 2022. Mkr Valuta Medelränta på balansdagen, % Nominellt belopp ursprunglig valuta Belopp SEK Förfall
Bank loans Banklån SEK 3.7 927 927 326 241 179 126 55
Bank loans Banklån NOK 4.5 1,332 1,408 1,284 41 27 25 25 6
Bank loans Banklån EUR 2.0 351 3,900 2,133 34 83 122 126 1,402
Bank loans Banklån DKK 2.9 261 391 391
Commercial papers Företagscertifikat EUR 2.4 15 167 167
Bonds Obligationslån SEK 3.7 2,992 2,992 301 1,385 534 772
Other liabilities Övriga skulder SEK 2.7 61 61 37 24
Other liabilities Övriga skulder NOK 5.7 2 2 2
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) SEK 3.5 443 443 139 140 151 5 4 4
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) NOK 4.9 234 248 85 67 46 25 13 12
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) EUR 4.1 9 103 34 31 22 16
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) DKK 3.0 7 10 6 4
Total interest-bearing financial liabilities according to the Finance Policy Summa räntebärande finansiella skulder enligt finanspolicy 10,652 4,903 1,969 1,042 1,091 223 1,424
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) SEK 2.1 1,052 1,052 217 171 126 97 91 350
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) NOK 3.3 310 328 76 63 52 38 29 70
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) EUR 3.2 83 920 92 63 54 39 34 638
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) DKK 2.5 11 17 10 3 2 1 1
Bank loans in Swedish tenant-owner associations 3) Banklån i svenska bostadsrättsföreningar 3) SEK 4.3 8,288 8,288 4,329 3,343 616
Total interest-bearing financial liabilities, IFRS Summa räntebärande finansiella skulder, enligt IFRS 21,257 9,627 5,612 1,892 1,266 378 2,482
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder SEK 3,753 3,753 3,753
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder NOK 757 801 801
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder EUR 40 446 446
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder DKK 88 131 131
Other liabilities Övriga skulder SEK 277 277 79 20 64 64 50
Other liabilities Övriga skulder NOK 23 24 24
Derivatives Derivat 6 6
Total non-interest bearing financial liabilities Summa icke räntebärande finansiella skulder 5,438 5,240 20 64 64 50
Total financial liabilities Summa finansiella skulder 26,695 14,867 5,632 1,956 1,330 428 2,482

1) Previously financial leasing.

2) Previously operational leasing. Payments for leasehold fees in coming periods are included in the table above for leasing liabilities regarding leaseholds. For periods before 2028 the payments are recognized without discounts but for the period 2028 and after, the discounted value of the remaining payments is recognized since the leasehold constitutes a never ending obligation to pay leasehold fees. Per December 31, 2022 Group leasing liabilities regarding leaseholds amounted to SEK 368 million (359), see note 37 Leasing for further details.

3) For bank loans in Swedish tenant-owner associations the age analysis shows the liabilities’ contractual mature dates. However, the liabilities are derecognized when the final homebuyers take over their apartments, which in practice entails a shorter period of time than presented in the table above.

Group 2021‚ MSEK Currency Average interest rate on balance sheet day, % Nominal value, original currency Amount SEK Matures 2022 Matures 2023 Matures 2024 Matures 2025 Matures 2026 Matures 2027-
Koncernen 2021. Mkr Valuta Medelränta på balansdagen, % Nominellt belopp ursprunglig valuta Belopp SEK Förfall
Bank loans Banklån SEK 1.3 683 683 244 207 130 75 27
Bank loans Banklån NOK 2.3 992 1,017 611 157 19 17 21 192
Bank loans Banklån EUR 0.6 127 1,301 16 12 28 86 119 1,040
Bank loans Banklån DKK 1.0 224 308 308
Commercial papers Företagscertifikat EUR 0.1 118 1,207 1,207
Bonds Obligationslån SEK 1.1 2,853 2,852 331 227 1,023 514 757
Other liabilities Övriga skulder NOK 1.2 11 11 5 6
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) SEK 1.6 441 441 120 162 131 20 5 3
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) NOK 2.5 171 175 60 47 31 21 8 8
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) EUR 2.8 11 112 18 28 23 18 14 11
Leasing liabilities 1) Leasingskulder 1) DKK 1.1 10 13 4 4 4 1
Total interest-bearing financial liabilities according to the Finance Policy Summa räntebärande finansiella skulder enligt finanspolicy 8,120 2,924 850 1,389 752 951 1,254
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) SEK 2.3 964 964 199 163 125 88 79 310
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) NOK 3.7 240 246 60 48 34 26 21 57
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) EUR 3.5 107 1,098 102 86 61 53 38 758
Leasing liabilities 2) Leasingskulder 2) DKK 2.0 11 15 7 4 2 1 1 0
Bank loans in Swedish tenant-owner associations 3) Banklån i svenska bostadsrättsföreningar 3) SEK 1.9 5,538 5,538 2,256 2,510 772
Total interest-bearing financial liabilities, IFRS Summa räntebärande finansiella skulder, enligt IFRS 15,981 5,548 3,661 2,383 920 1,090 2,379
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder SEK 3,780 3,780 3,780
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder NOK 764 783 783
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder EUR 32 326 326
Accounts payable Leverantörsskulder DKK 75 103 103
Other liabilities Övriga skulder SEK 444 444 256 48 13 64 63
Other liabilities Övriga skulder NOK 30 31 31
Derivatives Derivat 4 4 0
Total non-interest bearing financial liabilities Summa icke räntebärande finansiella skulder 5,471 5,283 48 13 64 63
Total financial liabilities Summa finansiella skulder 21,452 10,831 3,709 2,396 984 1,153 2,379

1) Previously financial leasing.

2) Previously operational leasing. Payments for leasehold fees in coming periods are included in the table above for leasing liabilities regarding leaseholds. For periods before 2027 the payments are recognized without discounts but for the period 2027 and after, the discounted value of the remaining payments is recognized since the leasehold constitutes a never ending obligation to pay leasehold fees. Per December 31, 2021 Group leasing liabilities regarding leaseholds amounted to SEK 359 million (442), see note 37 Leasing for further details.

3) For bank loans in Swedish tenant-owner associations the age analysis shows the liabilities’ contractual mature dates. However, the liabilities are derecognized when the final homebuyers take over their apartments, which in practice entails a shorter period of time than presented in the table above.

Interest rate risk

The interest rate risk is the risk that Peab’s cash flow or the value of financial instruments may vary with changes in market interest rates. The interest rate risk can result in changes in fair values and cash flows. A crucial factor affecting interest rate risk is the fixed interest period.

The Finance Policy dictates that the average fixed interest period on total borrowing (excluding additional leasing and liabilities in Swedish tenant-owner associations) may not exceed 24 months. Peab has chosen short fixed interest periods for outstanding credits. Per December 31, 2022 there were no interest rate swaps (250). In previous interest rate swaps Peab paid a fixed annual interest rate and received floating rates (Stibor 3 months). Swap agreements are recognized at fair value on balance sheet dates. Per December 31, 2022 the fair value for interest rate swaps was SEK – million (-2).

Interest rate derivates

MSEK Currency Effective rate % Amount SEK Matures 2022
Mkr Valuta Effektivränta % Belopp SEK Förfall
Interest rate swaps 2022-12-31 Ränteswappar 2022-12-31 SEK
Interest rate swaps 2021-12-31 Ränteswappar 2021-12-31 SEK 2.5 250 250

Interest-bearing liabilities excluding liabilities in Swedish tenant-owner associations and additional leasing according to IFRS 16 were per December 31, 2022 SEK 10,161 million (7,887). The interest-bearing credit facilities with a maturity of more than twelve months were SEK 8,462 million (4,230) and with a maturity of less than twelve months were SEK 1,700 million (3,657).

As the table below shows, the fixed interest period for SEK 10,099 million (7,545) of the Group’s utilized credit facilities is less than 1 year. Interest-​bearing asset items including liquid funds were SEK 3,123 million (4,501), of which SEK 1,865 million (3,055) have short fixed interest periods. Net utilized credit lines and interest-​bearing asset items with short fixed interest periods of less than 1 year were SEK 8,234 million (4,490). The net amount is therefore almost directly susceptible to changes in market interest rates. Since financial liabilities have a short maturity most of the interest rate risk is considered a cash flow risk. For further information regarding Peab’s risk sensitivity see the Sensitivity Analysis in the Board of Directors’ Report.

Fixed interest rate period on utilized credits per 2022-12-31

Fixed interest period Amount, MSEK Average effective interest rate, percent Share, percent
Räntebindningstid Belopp, Mkr Genomsnittlig effektiv ränta procent Andel, procent
2023 2023 10,099 3.3 99
2024- 2024- 62 3.5 1
Total Summa 10,161 3.3 100

Interest rate risk in bank loans in Swedish tenant-owner associations

Interest on bank loans taken out by Swedish tenant-owner associations is included in the cost of ongoing work-in-progress in project and development property. A change in the interest rate on these liabilities would therefore not affect Peab’s net financial items.

Currency risks

The currency risk is the risk that fair values and cash flows of financial instruments may fluctuate with changes in the value of foreign currencies.

Financial exposure

Group borrowing is done in local currencies to reduce currency risks in operations. Assets and liabilities in foreign currency are translated at the rate on the balance sheet date. Borrowing in the interest-bearing liabilities per December 31, 2022, including leasing and liabilities in Swedish tenant-owner associations was allocated as follows:

2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Local currency in millions MSEK Local currency in millions MSEK
2022-12-31 2021-12-31
Lokal valuta i miljoner Mkr Lokal valuta i miljoner Mkr
SEK SEK 12,900 12,900 10,104 10,104
EUR EUR 413 4,593 312 3,190
NOK NOK 1,794 1,896 1,353 1,388
DKK DKK 277 415 243 334
Total Summa 19,804 15,016

Internal loans from Peab Finans AB are used to handle temporary liquidity needs in Peab’s foreign operations. Currency swaps are used to eliminate exchange risks. At the end of the year, there were no outstanding currency swaps relating to financial exposure. Exchange rate differences in net financials items from financial exposure were SEK -6 million (7) in 2022. Exchange rate differences primarily refer to claims on subsidiaries in Norway and Finland and have no cash flow effect. Exchange rate differences in operating profit were SEK -13 million (-1).

Exposure of net assets in foreign currency

The translation exposure arising from investments in foreign net assets can be hedged through loans in foreign currency or forward exchange contracts. At the end of 2022 and 2021 there were no hedges in forward exchange contracts for foreign net assets.

Foreign net assets

Local currency in millions 2022 Of which hedged 2021 Of which hedged
Lokal valuta i miljoner 2022 Varav säkrat 2021 Varav säkrat
NOK NOK 1,841 2,239
EUR EUR 140 166
DKK DKK -9 2


A change in the euro exchange rate as of December 31, 2022 by ten percent would entail a translation effect on equity of SEK 156 million (170). A corresponding change in the exchange rate for the Norwegian krone and Danish krone, respectively, would entail a translation effect on equity of SEK 195 million (230) and 1 million (0).

Translation differences in equity (net assets in foreign subsidiaries) for the year amounted to SEK 210 million (184).

Commercial exposure

Although international purchases and sales of goods and services in foreign currency are currently limited, they are expected to increase as the competition grows regarding purchasing goods and services. Contracted or forecasted currency flows can be hedged for 12 months from the date of the contract. At the end of 2022, there were exchange rate hedges related to forecasted currency flows of EUR 12 million (15) and of PLN 21 million (25). Peab did not apply hedge accounting on these hedges.

Raw materials risk


Peab’s asphalt production is energy intense as are major construction projects. An energy shortage or high prices for it can entail a risk for our ability to operate. The energy risk is managed through fixed price contracts in Sweden, Norway and Finland.

Oil and gas

Peab purchases oil and gas for its operations. The price risk and availability of oil and gas are in part hedged via longer purchasing contracts and in part via derivative contracts with a maturity of up to 12 months. Peab did not apply hedge accounting on oil derivatives.


Bitumen is a binder in asphalt production and is the single highest cost in asphalt operations. Peab’s asphalt operations are exposed to changes in the price of bitumen, which has a direct effect on earnings and margins. The price of bitumen generally follows the specific oil price index HSFO. Some contracts with customers have sales price clauses that regulate changes in the price of bitumen.

Peab has two different kinds of bitumen exposures.

  1. In fixed price sales there is a risk that the price of bitumen will rise before delivery, which raises the purchase price. The fixed price sales cannot be adjusted to cover additional costs. Therefore the project’s profit margin is not ensured. Peab handles the bitumen component price risk by hedging purchases through external derivatives.
  2. Warehousing risk due to lead times. Peab stores bitumen in different depos during the off season. Peab handles the bitumen component price risk by hedging purchases through external derivatives.

The risk of fixed price sales and the warehousing risk are managed by Peab Finans via oil futures with HSFO as an underlying variable. As of October 2022 Peab is to a greater degree applying hedge accounting for oil futures. Exposure is presented in the table below.

Derivatives and hedge accounting

Hedge accounting is applied according to IFRS 9 on oil futures that hedge the bitumen price risk in USD. A financial relationship is assumed to exist in the Group’s hedging relationships since the hedge instruments’ and the hedged items’ terms correspond to each other and their values thereby are expected to develop in opposite directions when the underlying hedged risk changes. The hedged risk is the raw materials price risk in USD, where the price is hedged in the respective subsidiary’s functional currency. In the case of fixed price sales the anticipated cash flows for the purchase of bitumen are hedged and in the case of the warehouse risk the fair value of the bitumen stored is hedged. The effectiveness is firstly estimated according to critical terms (nominal volumes, maturity times, oil price index and currency). The credit risk is not expected to materially contribute to ineffectiveness since the derivative has a limited maturity and is entered into with banks with high creditworthiness. Another possible source of ineffectiveness is surplus hedging but since the exposure is not fully hedged the estimated risk of surplus hedging is minimal. The hedge ratio is 1:1.

Bitumen derivatives with hedge accounting per December 31, 2022

Fixed price contract – cash flow hedging Total <3 mon 3 mon-1 year >1 year
Bitumen Fastpriskontrakt – kassaflödessäkring Totalt <3 mån 3 mån-1 år >1 år
Purchase of Bitumen/via HSFO hedging contract, ton Inköp av Bitumen/via HSFO- derivatkontrakt, ton 7,825 2,925 4,900
Fair value hedging contract, MSEK Verkligt värde derivatkontrakt, Mkr 0 -1 1
Warehouse contract – fair value Total <3 mon 3 mon-1 year >1 year
Lagerkontrakt – verkligt värde Totalt <3 mån 3 mån-1 år >1 år
Sale of Bitumen/via HSFO hedging contract, ton Försäljning av Bitumen/ via HSFO- derivatkontrakt, ton 6,150 6,150
Fair value hedging contract, MSEK Verkligt värde derivatkontrakt, Mkr 2 2


Bitumen derivatives without hedge accounting per December 31, 2022

Fixed price contract – cash flow hedging Total <3 mon 3 mon-1 year >1 year
Fastpriskontrakt – kassaflödessäkring Totalt <3 mån 3 mån-1 år >1 år
Purchase of Bitumen/via HSFO hedging contract, ton Inköp av Bitumen/via HSFO- derivatkontrakt, ton 4,447 225 3,272 950
Fair value hedging contract, MSEK Verkligt värde derivatkontrakt, Mkr 1 0 0 1
Warehouse contract – fair value Total <3 mon 3 mon-1 year >1 year
Lagerkontrakt – verkligt värde Totalt <3 mån 3 mån-1 år >1 år
Sale of Bitumen/via HSFO hedging contract, ton Försäljning av Bitumen/ via HSFO- derivatkontrakt, ton 7,298 3,519 3,779
Fair value hedging contract, MSEK Verkligt värde derivatkontrakt, Mkr -1 0 -1

Bitumen derivatives without hedge accounting per December 31, 2021

Fixed price contract – cash flow hedging Total <3 mon 3 mon-1 year >1 year
Fastpriskontrakt – kassaflödessäkring Totalt <3 mån 3 mån-1 år >1 år
Purchase of Bitumen/via HSFO contract, ton Inköp av Bitumen/via HSFO- derivatkontrakt, ton 12,851 3,644 6,985 2,222
Fair value hedging contract, MSEK Verkligt värde derivatkontrakt, Mkr 6 1 4 1
Warehouse contract – fair value Total <3 mon 3 mon-1 year >1 year
Lagerkontrakt – verkligt värde Totalt <3 mån 3 mån-1 år >1 år
Sale of Bitumen/via HSFO contract, ton Försäljning av Bitumen/ via HSFO- derivatkontrakt, ton 23,110 4,301 18,809
Fair value hedging contract, MSEK Verkligt värde derivatkontrakt, Mkr 0 0 0


Effect of hedge accounting

The effect of hedge accounting on Group profit/loss and financial position is shown below.

Group, MSEK 2022-12-31 January – December 2022
Nominal amount/volume Recognized value Item in report on financial position that contains hedge instruments Change in value of hedge instruments that adjust the value of inventories Change in value of hedge instruments recognized in other comprehensive income Amount reclassified from hedging reserve to profit/loss Items in profit/loss affected by reclassification
Assets Liabilities
Koncernen, Mkr 2022-12-31 Januari – december 2022
Nominellt belopp/volym Redovisat värde Post i rapport över finansiell ställning som innehåller säkringsinstrument Värdeförändring av säkringsinstrument som justerar värdet på varulager Värdeförändring av säkringsinstrument som redovisas i övrigt totalresultat Belopp omklassificerade/överförda från säkringsreserv Poster i resultatet som påverkas av säkringsresultat
Tillgångar Skulder
Raw materials risk 1) Råvarurisk 1)
Cash flow hedging – fixed price contract Bitumen Kassaflödessäkring – fastpriskontrakt Bitumen 7,825 1 -1 Övriga kortfristiga fordringar/skulder 1 -1 Other long-term liabilities 0 Kostnader för produktion Production costs
Fair value hedging – warehouse contract Bitumen Verkligt värdesäkring – lagerkontrakt Bitumen 6,150 2 Övriga kortfristiga/långfristiga fordringar 2 2 Other short term/long term receivables 2 Kostnader för produktion via varulager Production costs via inventories
Interest rate risk Ränterisk

Interest rate swaps – cash flow hedging

Ränteswappar – kassaflödessäkringar Övriga kortfristiga skulder Other short-term liabilities 2 Finansiella kostnader Financial costs

1) Any hedging ineffectiveness or raw material hedging is recognized as other income/other expense. Peab has not recognized any ineffectiveness in 2022.

Group, MSEK 2021-12-31 January – December 2021
Nominal amount/volume Recognized value Item in report on financial position that contains hedge instruments Change in value of hedge instruments recognized in other comprehensive income Amount reclassified from hedging reserve to profit/loss Items in profit/loss affected by reclassification
Assets Liabilities
Koncernen, Mkr 2021-12-31 Januari – december 2021
Nominellt belopp/volym Redovisat värde Post i rapport över finansiell ställning som innehåller säkringsinstrument Värdeförändring av säkringsinstrument som redovisas i övrigt totalresultat Belopp omklassificerade från säkringsreserv till resultatet Poster i resultatet som påverkas av omklassificeringen
Tillgångar Skulder
Raw materials risk Råvarurisk
Commodity hedging with futures, thousand tons Råvarusäkring med termin, tusentals ton Övriga långfristiga skulder Other long-term liabilities 2 -2 Kostnader för produktion Production costs
Interest rate risk Ränterisk
Interest rate swaps – cash flow hedging Ränteswappar- kassaflödes säkringar 250 2 Övriga kortfristiga skulder Other short-term liabilities 12 -6 Finansiella kostnader Financial costs

Credit risk

Credit risk refers to the risk of losing money if a counterparty fails to meet its obligations.

Credit risks in financial instruments

Credit risks in financial instruments are very limited since Peab only deals with counterparties with high credit ratings. Counterparty risks are primarily associated with receivables to banks and other counterparties involved in the purchase of derivatives. The Finance Policy contains special counterparty regulations which specify the maximum credit exposure for various counterparties. The framework agreement of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) is used with all counterparties in derivative transactions. According to the agreement when a counterparty cannot settle its obligations in all transactions the agreement is discontinued and all outstanding dealings are then settled for a net amount. ISDA agreements do not meet the criteria for offsetting on the balance sheet. The information in the table below shows the financial instruments covered by ISDA agreements.

2022 2021
Group, MSEK Financial assets Financial liabilities Financial assets Financial liabilities
2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr Finansiella tillgångar Finansiella skulder Finansiella tillgångar Finansiella skulder
Recognized gross amount Redovisade bruttobelopp 14 6 8 4
Amount covered by netting agreement Belopp som omfattas av avtal om nettning -4 -4 -3 -3
Net sum after netting agreement Nettobelopp efter avtal om nettning 10 2 5 1

Peab did not suffer any financial instrument credit losses in 2022. Total counterparty exposure related to derivative trading calculated as a net receivable per counterparty amounted to SEK 10 million (5) at the end of 2022. The estimated gross exposure to counterparty risks related to liquid funds and current investments amounted to SEK 1,506 million (2,951). Most of the Group’s liquid funds are placed in banks with the credit rating AA- from Standard & Poor’s.

Loss reserves for interest-bearing receivables

Group‚ MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Opening balance per January 1 Ingående balans per 1 januari 9 9
Revaluating the loss reserve, net Omvärdering av förlustreserver, netto 1 0
Closing balance per December 31 Utgående balans per 31 december 10 9

Credit risk in accounts receivable

The risk that Group customers cannot meet their obligations, i.e. payment is not received from customers, is a customer credit risk. Credit losses are relatively rare in the construction and civil engineering business since there are a great number of projects and customers that are invoiced at regular intervals during production. The Group’s customers undergo a credit rating control providing information on customers’ financial positions from various credit rating companies before a project is undertaken. The Group has an established Credit Policy for handling customer credit. For instance, it specifies where decisions regarding credit limits of various sizes are taken and how uncertain receivables should be handled. Bank guarantees or other collateral are required for customers with low credit ratings or insufficient credit history. The maximum exposure to credit risk is the recognized value on the Group balance sheet. Total bad debts in 2022 amounted to SEK 8 million (13). The credit quality in accounts receivable that are not yet due is considered good. Accounts receivable that are more than 90 days overdue, excluding loss provisions, amounted to SEK 1,923 million (1,554). Overdue accounts receivable are for the most part unclarities regarding contract terms relating to the customer about the final contract amount. Risks in accounts receivable have been taken into account in project forecasts or been handled as provisions.

The table below shows accounts receivable per customer category.

Group‚ MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Private customers Privata kunder 4,887 4,510
Public customers Offentliga kunder 3,443 3,126
Joint ventures Joint venture 171 210
Accounts receivable, gross Kundfordringar, brutto 8,501 7,846
Loss reserves Förlustreserv -47 -44
Accounts receivable, net Kundfordringar, netto 8,454 7,802


Accounts receivable written down

Group, MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Opening balance per January 1 Ingående balans per 1 januari 44 38
Write-downs acquired companies Nedskrivning förvärvade bolag 1
Reversed write-downs Återföring av tidigare gjorda nedskrivningar -10 -13
Write-downs Nedskrivningar 11 14
Reclassifications Omklassificering 1 2
Exchange rate differences Valutakursdifferens 1 2
Closing balance Utgående balans 47 44


There are no mature receivables of significant amounts for other receivables.

Capital management

Peab strives to have a good capital structure and financial stability in order to provide a stable basis for continuing business activities, thereby enabling the company to keep existing owners and attract new ones. A good capital structure also promotes the development of good relations with the Group’s creditors in a manner which benefits all parties.

Capital is defined as Equity and refers to equity attributable to shareholders in the parent company.


IFRS Segment reporting
Group, MSEK 2022 2021 2022 2021
IFRS Segmentsredovisning
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021 2022 2021
Equity attributable to shareholders in parent company Eget kapital hänförligt till moderbolagets aktieägare 13,768 13,681 14,960 14,655

Financial targets

As of 2021 Peab externally reports the performance of our business by monitoring nine targets, of which three are financial and based on segment reporting and six are non-​financial targets. We consider the external targets particularly important and they are a subset of our internal targets and action plans. Both the internal and external financial and non-​financial targets are categorized under the strategic targets; most satisfied customers, best workplace, most profitable company as well as the new, fourth strategic target, leader in social responsibility.

Our financial targets under the strategic target most profitable company are as follows and based on segment reporting:

  • Operating margin > 6 %
  • Net debt/equity ratio 0.3 – 0.7
  • Dividend > 50 % of profit for the year

The target for the operating margin is that it will over time exceed six percent. Peab’s operating margin in 2022 was 4.3 percent (5.2). The lower operating margin is due to inflation and the weakened market. As a result of a reduced cash flow the net debt/equity ratio at the end of 2022 landed at 0.5 (0.2) which was in the middle of the target interval 0.3 – 0.7. During the year we continued to invest mainly in our capital intensive operations in Industry and Project Development. We also carried out a repurchasing program of our own shares for SEK 500 million. Peab’s target for dividends is to annually distribute at least 50 percent of profit for the year according to segment reporting to shareholders. The dividend must be in reasonable proportion to Peab’s profit development and consolidation needs. In addition to ordinary dividends the Board can propose extra cash dividends if it finds that funds exist which are not considered to be requisite for the Group’s development. Extra dividends may also be distributed in a form other than cash. In February 2023 Peab’s Board proposed an ordinary dividend of SEK 4.0 (5.0) per share for the calendar year 2022. Excluding the 8,597,984 shares held by Peab AB as of December 31, 2022 which do not entitle to a dividend, the proposed dividend entails a total dividend amount of SEK 1,150 million (1,475). Calculated as a share of recognized Group profit after tax the proposed dividend amounts to 56 percent (59).

Holdings of own shares

At the start of 2022 Peab’s holding of own shares amounted to 1,086,984 B shares, corresponding to 0.4 percent of the total number of shares. On May 5, 2022 Peab’s AGM authorized the Board of Directors to acquire shares in Peab AB up to an amount so that after acquisition Peab would hold a maximum of 10 percent of the registered shares in the company for the period until the next AGM. The purpose of the purchase of own shares is to improve the capital structure of the company. The shares were repurchased on Nasdaq Stockholm according to the Nordic Main Market Rulebook for Issuers of Shares – Nasdaq Stockholm (Supplement D) and EU Parliament’s and Council’s EU regulation no. 596/2014 on market abuse (MAR). According to the Board’s decision shares could be repurchased during the period for a maximum of SEK 500 million and a number of shares so that the company’s holding of its own shares after the repurchasing does not exceed one tenth of all shares in the company. The shares could only be repurchased at a price per share within the price interval registered at any given time on Nasdaq Stockholm, meaning the interval between the current highest buy price and the lowest sell price published by Nasdaq Stockholm. During the period up to December 31, 2022 a total of 7,511,000 B shares have been repurchased for a total of SEK 500 million. After this repurchasing Peab’s holding of own shares is 8,597,984 B shares corresponding to 2.9 percent of the total number of shares.