Note 4 Operating segments

Group business is divided into operating segments based on how the company’s highest decision makers, i.e. executive management and the Board of Directors, follow the business. Peab believes segment reporting best describes Peab’s business regarding internal steering and risk profile for both the business areas and the Group as a whole. The Group is reported in the four business areas Construction, Civil Engineering, Industry and Project Development. The business areas correspond to operating segments.

As of the financial year 2020 Peab consolidates according to IFRS projects with Swedish tenant-owner associations until the time the final homebuyers take over their apartments. This means that projects are reported on the balance sheet as work-in-progress in the asset item project and development property and as interest-bearing liabilities (project financing). Revenue and costs for the projects are recognized as homebuyers take over their homes. As a result of the change Peab recognizes all own housing development projects in Sweden, Norway and Finland according to the completion method.

To create clarity and enable the market to follow Peab’s development regarding our own housing development projects, in segment reporting revenue and expenses are recognized over time as the projects are successively completed. This applies to the business area Project Development and the unit Housing Development and refers to Swedish tenant-​owner associations and our own single homes, Norwegian condominiums and share housing as well as Finnish residential limited companies. Revenue and expenses for our own housing development projects in Norway and Finland along with our own single homes in Sweden were previously recognized at one point in time in segment reporting as well.

As of the January 1, 2020 in segment reporting leasing fees for all business areas are recognized linearly over the leasing period for additional leasing contracts according to IFRS 16 (previously operational leasing contracts). IFRS 16, Leases is applied in the consolidated accounts according to IFRS only as a total for the Group.

Financial key ratios such as capital employed, balance sheet total, equity, equity/assets ratio, net debt, debt/equity ratio and cash flow before financing are reported in segment reporting taking into consideration the above prerequisites. Net debt according to segment reporting includes the unsold portion of housing projects in ongoing production. For more information regarding accounting principles and important estimates and assessments, see note 1 and note 2.

The Group’s internal reporting is constructed so that executive management follows every business area up to and including operating profit and operating margin. For business area Industry and Project Development executive management also follows the development of capital employed and return on capital employed. The capital employed in the business areas consists of the business area’s total assets reduced by deferred tax recoverables and internal receivables from the internal bank Peab Finans with deductions for non-interest-bearing liabilities and deferred tax liabilities.

Internal pricing between Group segments is based on the “arm’s length principle”, in other words, by well informed parties who are independent of each other and have an interest in the realization of the transactions.

Segments’ operating profit includes directly attributable items and items that can be reasonably and reliably allocated to a segment. Non-allocated items consist of financial income and expenses, and taxes.

Operating segments

The Group consists of the following operating segments:

  • Construction: Business area Construction comprises Group resources in construction related services. Construction works for both external and internal customers. Customers are in both the private and public sectors. Operations are run through twelve regions in Sweden, three in Norway and two in Finland. Specialized housing production units are located in Stockholm, Gothenburg and the Öresund region. Construction maintenance operations are run in a nationwide organization in Sweden focused on the big city regions. The other regions perform all kinds of construction projects within their geographic area.
  • Civil Engineering: Business area Civil Engineering works with the construction of large infrastructure and civil engineering projects, foundation works and smaller projects on the local market. Civil Engineering also operates and maintains roads and municipal facilities. The operations are run in geographical regions in Sweden and Norway. Customers are the Swedish Transport Administration, municipalities and local businesses.
  • Industry: Business area Industry offers everything from mineral aggregates, concrete, paving and temporary electricity to prefabricated concrete elements. Industry also assists with crane and machine rental, distribution of binder to the concrete industry, transportation as well as recycles production waste and excavation soil. The business is run in six product areas; Mineral aggregates, Paving, Concrete, Transportation and Machines, Rentals and Construction System. All of them operate on the Nordic construction and civil engineering markets. Customers are mainly Nordic construction and civil engineering companies.
  • Project Development: Business area Project Development comprises Peab’s development of housing as well as commercial property and public buildings in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The business is run in two units, Housing Development and Property Development. Housing Development develops all kinds of housing such as apartment buildings in tenancy ownership, ownership and rental form as well as single homes. Operations in Property Development revolve around the acquisition, development and divestiture of commercial properties. The business includes projects in wholly owned and partly owned companies. Included in partly owned companies are, among others, Peab’s holdings in Fastighets AB Centur (development, ownership and management of commercial property and homes), Tornet Bostadsproduktion AB (development, construction and ownership of rentals), Fastighets AB ML4 (ownership and management of the research facility Max IV in Lund), Skiab Invest AB (development, own and manage property in the Scandinavian mountains) and Point Hyllie Holding AB (ownership and management of the office building The Point and hotel property Värdshuset 5). Projects in wholly owned subsidiaries consist of a large number of holdings that include everything from land for development where zoning is being worked out to completed projects ready for divestiture. Net sales and operating profit from operations are derived from running our wholly owned property, shares in the profit from partly owned companies as well as capital gains from the divestiture of completed property and participations in partly owned companies.

Other operations are reported under Group functions and consist of central companies and Group functions.

Group 2022‚ MSEK Construction Civil Engineering Industry Project Development Group functions Elimination Group
Differences in accounting principles 1) Group
Koncernen 2022. Mkr Bygg Anläggning Industri Projekt-
Eliminering Koncernen
Skillnader i redovisnings-
principer 1)
Koncernen IFRS
External sales Extern försäljning 23,435 13,536 17,465 8,638 61 63,135 -1,202 61,933
Internal sales Intern försäljning 5,564 1,429 3,968 23 1,471 -12,455
Total revenue Summa intäkter 28,999 14,965 21,433 8,661 1,532 -12,455 63,135 -1,202 61,933
Operating costs Rörelsekostnader -28,398 -14,512 -20,866 -7,538 -1,732 12,397 -60,649 1,018 2) -59,631
Other operating income Övriga rörelseintäkter 32 48 205 5 3 -14 279 279
Other operating costs Övriga rörelsekostnader -4 -7 -25 -1 -1 14 -24 -24
Operating profit Rörelseresultat 629 494 747 1,127 -198 -58 2,741 -184 2,557
Operating margin, % Rörelsemarginal, % 2.2 3.3 3.5 13.0 4.3 4.1
Financial income Finansiella intäkter 103 103
Financial expenses Finansiella kostnader -174 -46 3) -220
Pre-tax profit Resultat före skatt 2,670 -230 2,440
Tax Skatt -633 24 -609
Profit for the year Årets resultat 2,037 -206 1,831
Depreciation Avskrivningar -24 -60 -1,132 -6 -69 -2 -1,293 -364 -1,657
Write-downs in operating profit Nedskrivningar inom rörelseresultatet -2 -3 -31 -20 0 0 -56 -56
Capital gains/losses Realisationsvinster/förluster 7 24 146 8 0 -2 183 183
Other significant non-cash items Övriga väsentliga icke kassaflödespåverkande poster 57 6 85 54 -30 -23 149 -62 87
Capital employed (closing balance)
Sysselsatt kapital (UB)
-1,746 54 10,807 15,632 253 4) 25,000 8,590 33,590
Total assets Balansomslutning 43,220 7,791 5) 51,011
Equity Eget kapital 14,978 -1,192 13,786
Equity/assets ratio, % Soliditet, % 34.7 27.0
Net debt Nettoskuld 6,899 9,782 16,681
Cashflow before financing Kassaflöde före finansiering -79 6) -114 6) -518 6) -690 6) -554 7) -1,955 -1,204 -3,159

1) For more information about the allocation of revenue and profit items see note 3 and the section Overview business areas and Group functions in Board of Directors’ report.

2) Refers to IFRS 16, additional leases SEK 36 million and housing projects SEK 982 million.

3) Refers to IFRS 16, additional leases SEK -46 million.

4) Unallocated capital employed.

5) Divided between IFRS 16, additional leases SEK 1,719 million and housing projects SEK 6,072 million

6) Refers to operational cash flow. For definition, see section Alternative key figuers and definitions.

7) Unallocated cash flow.

Group 2021‚ MSEK Construction Civil Engineering Industry Project Development Group functions Elimination Group
Differences in accounting principles 1) Group
Koncernen 2021. Mkr Bygg Anläggning Industri Projekt-
Eliminering Koncernen
Skillnader i redovisnings-
principer 1)
Koncernen IFRS
External sales Extern försäljning 22,555 12,866 15,075 9,471 59 60,026 -1,103 58,923
Internal sales Intern försäljning 4,425 1,314 3,712 26 1,255 -10,732
Total revenue Summa intäkter 26,980 14,180 18,787 9,497 1,314 -10,732 60,026 -1,103 58,923
Operating costs Rörelsekostnader -26,269 -13,739 -17,981 -8,302 -1,726 10,715 -57,302 980 2) -56,322
Other operating income Övriga rörelseintäkter 4 36 138 51 185 -23 391 391
Other operating costs Övriga rörelsekostnader -4 -6 -6 -9 -1 9 -17 -17
Operating profit Rörelseresultat 711 471 938 1,237 -228 -31 3,098 -123 2,975
Operating margin, % Rörelsemarginal, % 2.6 3.3 5.0 13.0 5.2 5.0
Financial income Finansiella intäkter 94 94
Financial expenses Finansiella kostnader -116 -51 3) -167
Pre-tax profit Resultat före skatt 3,076 -174 2,902
Tax Skatt -569 44 -525
Profit for the year Årets resultat 2,507 -130 2,377
Depreciation Avskrivningar -23 -60 -1,110 -7 -56 -3 -1,259 -366 -1,625
Write-downs in operating profit Nedskrivningar inom rörelseresultatet -2 -22 -19 -39 0 -82 -82
Capital gains/losses Realisationsvinster/förluster 0 14 84 50 0 148 148
Other significant non-cash items Övriga väsentliga icke kassaflödespåverkande poster 46 3 122 -158 -21 -23 -31 41 10
Capital employed (closing balance)
Sysselsatt kapital (UB)
-2,463 -615 9,266 13,523 1,850 4) 21,561 7,137 28,698
Total assets Balansomslutning 40,330 6,840 5) 47,170
Equity Eget kapital 14,656 -974 13,682
Equity/assets ratio, % Soliditet, % 36.3 29.0
Net debt Nettoskuld 2,404 8,111 10,515
Cashflow before financing Kassaflöde före finansiering 1,654 6) 921 6) 507 6) 249 6) -290 7) 3,041 -1,989 1,052

1) For more information about the allocation of revenue and profit items see note 3 and the section Overview business areas and Group functions in Board of Directors’ report.

2) Refers to IFRS 16, additional leases SEK 28 million and housing projects SEK 952 million.

3) Refers to IFRS 16, additional leases SEK -51 million.

4) Unallocated capital employed.

5) Divided between IFRS 16, additional leases SEK 1,699 million and housing projects SEK 5,141 million.

6) Refers to operational cash flow. For definition, see section Alternative key figuers and definitions.

7) Unallocated cash flow.

Comments on the tables

Group net sales according to segment reporting increased by five percent during 2022 and amounted to SEK 63,135 million (60,026). After adjustments for acquired and divested units and exchange rate effects net sales increased by four percent. Of the year’s net sales SEK 18,892 million (17,298) were attributable to sales and production outside Sweden. Operating profit for 2022 according to segment reporting amounted to SEK 2,741 million (3,098) and the operating margin contracted to 4.3 percent (5.2). During 2021 and 2022 prices for material and energy rose dramatically. We have for the most part handled price hikes and delivery disruptions through adjustments and streamlining but since we have not been able to fully compensate for cost increases they have had negative impact on the operating margin. Last year included a repayment of SEK 179 million for AGS premiums reported in Group functions.

Net sales in business area Construction increased by seven percent and amounted to SEK 28,999 million (26,980). Operating profit amounted to SEK 629 million (711) and the operating margin was to 2.2 percent (2.6). Net sales in business area Civil Engineering increased by six percent and amounted to SEK 14,965 million (14,180) and the operating margin was 3.3 percent (3.3). Net sales in business area Industry increased by 14 percent and amounted to SEK 21,433 million (18,787). Operating profit amounted to SEK 747 million (938) and the operating margin was 3.5 percent (5.0). The operating profit in Paving was lower as a result of higher energy and fuel costs that have not been fully recompensed through higher prices to customers, particularly in Norway, Finland and Denmark. Profitability was also lower in Mineral Aggregates compared to last year, while profitability improved in the other product areas. In business area Project Development net sales decreased and amounted to SEK 8,661 million (9,497). Operating profit amounted to SEK 1,127 million (1,237) and the operating margin was 13.0 percent (13.0).

Geographic areas

Income from external customers is related to the countries customers are located in. The information concerning intangible and tangible assets is divided into the countries the assets are located in. The table below shows the amounts allocated per geographic region according to IFRS.

Other markets
Group, MSEK 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Övriga marknader
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
External sales Extern försäljning 42,946 41,458 8,965 7,598 8,993 9,055 1,014 790 15 22 61,933 58,923
Intangible and tangible assets, investment property and shares in joint ventures Immateriella- och materiella anläggningstillgångar, förvaltningsfastigheter samt andelar i joint ventures 9,515 9,129 1,926 1,573 3,061 2,839 315 284 0 0 14,817 13,825
Sweden Norway Finland
Total 1)
Parent company, MSEK 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Sverige Norge Finland
Summa 1)
Moderbolaget, Mkr 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Net sales Nettoomsättning 253 243 23 23 27 26 1 1 304 293

1)Included in Group functions.