Peab AB is a public company, Company ID 556061-4330. Domicile Båstad, Sweden.
All values are expressed in Swedish krona. Krona is abbreviated to SEK, thousands of kronor to TSEK and millions of kronor to MSEK. Numbers presented in parentheses refer to 2021 unless otherwise specified.
Data regarding markets and the competition are Peab’s own assessments, unless another source is specified. These assessments are based on the best and latest available facts from, among others, previously published material.
Cover picture: Samuel Unéus.
Photographers: Samuel Unéus, Markus Esselmark, Mattias Bardå, Annika Persson, Peter Steen, Stefan Ed, Sebastian Lamotte, Annika Persson, Anders Ebefeldt och Peter Kroon.
Collaboration in Peab: The people on the cover work in the Peab Group. They illustrate the core of Peab’s business model which is internal collaboration between the Group’s four business areas.