Note 34 Accrued expenses and deferred income

Group Parent company
MSEK 2022 2021 2022 2021
Koncernen Moderbolaget
Mkr 2022 2021 2022 2021
Payroll expenses Lönekostnader 1,671 1,912 32 58
Social security expenses Sociala avgifter 523 547 28 37
Operating expenses Rörelsekostnader 1,669 1,730 6 4
Negative value joint ventures 1) Negativa värde joint ventures 1) 17 17
Interest expenses Räntekostnader 14 7
Rent revenue Hyresintäkter 43 45
Total Summa 3,937 4,258 66 99

1) Refers to joint ventures where the net value of equity and internal profit elimination is negative