Peab’s sustainability work

As the Nor­dic Community Builder with extensive local presence we have a self-evident responsibility for our communities. This responsibility begins with our role as employers and business partners and stretches all through our pro­duc­tion chain and into the community. Na­turally this responsibility also includes the environment and climate. Work­ing sus­tain­ably is strate­gic for Peab and should be com­plete­ly in­te­grat­ed into our op­er­a­tions. Every em­ploy­ee should work sus­tain­ably based on our core val­ues, busi­ness con­cept, mis­sion, strate­gic tar­gets and Code of Con­duct. Our business has a life cycle perspective and we take responsibility for both making and meeting demands in the value chain regarding suppliers and customers.

Our material sustainability aspects are summarized in two of our four strategic targets: Best workplace and Leader in social responsibility. Our four busi­ness areas col­lab­o­rating lo­cal­ly give us bet­ter con­trol over the sup­ply chain. Our 15,000 em­ploy­ees en­sure that we as far as pos­si­ble use local re­sources in the form of our own em­ploy­ees, our own input goods and sub­con­trac­tors. With our en­gage­ment in the com­mu­ni­ty and in­te­grat­ed cli­mate and en­vi­ron­men­tal work this is the basis of our sustainability work and what we call lo­cal­ly pro­duced com­mu­ni­ty build­ing.

Regarding Peab’s cli­mate im­pact our ma­te­r­i­al use is a par­tic­u­lar­ly im­por­tant area where our op­er­a­tions gen­er­ate car­bon emis­sions. This is why we try to hus­band re­sources, use more local ma­te­r­i­al and de­vel­op more climate-​improved ma­te­r­i­al. Our in­vest­ments in ECO-​Betong (ECO-​Concrete) and ECO-​Asfalt are two prac­ti­cal ex­am­ples where we both reuse ma­te­r­i­al and mix in al­ter­na­tive binder to re­duce our car­bon footprint. Peab is also a dri­ving force in sev­er­al de­vel­op­ment ini­tia­tives to op­ti­mize ma­te­r­i­al and ver­i­fy­ qual­i­ty. In 2021 we be­came the first Swedish construction and civil engineering com­pa­ny to partner with SSAB in fos­sil free steel, which means that as of 2026 we will begin to use steel that has been fos­sil free manufactured in our projects. In 2022 The Swedish Construction Industry’s Development Fund (SBUF) granted funds for a research project where together with SSAB we are investigating possible climate savings in the construction and civil engineering industry through the hydrogen gas­ ba­se­d HYBRIT technology. A preliminary rough ana­lysis shows that over 90 per­cent of the steel in a conventional steel frame for an office building can be replaced by steel via HYBRIT technology. This equals a climate reduction of about 70 percent compared to conventionally produced steel. The research project will also perform a detailed study of the fos­sil free steel’s climate impact and the effect this climate savings can have on the total climate footprint of construction and civil engineering projects.

Research and development

The pur­pose of Peab’s R&D is to pro­vide so­ci­ety, our cus­tomers and other stake­hold­ers with added value. Through new dis­cov­er­ies we can im­prove or de­vel­op new prod­ucts, ser­vices and pro­duc­tion process­es. In 2022 we created the new function Research and In­no­va­tion aimed at supporting our business in its transition to climate-adapted pro­duc­ts and with investments in new technology. Circular ma­te­ri­al and new ener­gy services are examples of areas the function deals with. In 2022 the func­tio­n started up new collaborations and iden­ti­fi­e­d new partnerships that include new circular pro­ces­ses where we use more and more residual products from other industries as raw materials. For example, we are running a research project until the spring of 2023 with fi­nan­cing from SBUF that studies manufacturing construction material in the form of new mineral aggregates by storing bi­o­genic carbon from wood and other bi­o­ma­te­ri­al in residual pro­ducts from quarry and concrete operations. This would give mineral aggregates a role in Car­bon Cap­tu­re and Sto­rage (CCS), i.e. capturing and per­ma­nently binding carbon dioxide to reduce the amount in the at­mo­sphere. Peab has the right prerequisites for this considering our operations comprise the whole circle from excavation to use and finally recycling of mineral aggregates material.

Peab also col­lab­o­rates with uni­ver­si­ties, col­leges and trade or­ga­ni­za­tions and is an ac­tive par­tic­i­pant in many industry projects. We par­tic­i­pate in strate­gic, innovative and tac­ti­cal op­er­a­tive pro­grams to take re­spon­si­bil­i­ty with a long-​term per­spec­tive and for cur­rent needs. In 2022 Peab and Luleå Uni­ver­si­ty of Technology entered into a long-term strategic partnership in sustainable construction, di­gi­ta­li­zation and re­sour­ce ef­ficiency which lets Peab take advantage of the latest research. At Chal­mers in Gothenburg we participate in the research program “Future Trans­por­tation In­fra­struc­ture” and at The Faculty of Engineering, LTH we are active in the “Cen­ter for construction ­ro­bo­tics”. For years we have worked together with The KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stock­holm in road technology and geotechnical engineering. We also participate in other forms of collaboration such as LFM30 (Local roadmap for a cli­mate ­ne­u­tral con­struc­tion and civil en­gi­neer­ing sec­tor in Malmö 2030), In­fraswe­den 2030 (pro­motes a com­pet­i­tive and cli­mate neu­tral trans­port in­fra­struc­ture sec­tor by 2030), Smart Built En­vi­ron­ment (in­no­va­tion for the com­mu­ni­ty build­ing sec­tor) and Mist­ra Car­bon Exit (re­search for cli­mate neu­tral­i­ty 2045).

Peab’s in­vest­ment in the above-​named ECO-​products is im­por­tant where, for in­stance, ECO-​Betong (ECO-Concrete) has been de­vel­oped to fur­ther re­duce cli­mate im­pact and de­pen­dence on ce­ment.

Greater focus on con­struc­tion sites

Con­struc­tion sites are re­ceiv­ing greater at­ten­tion and Peab en­er­gy clas­si­fies con­struc­tion bar­racks in order to re­duce en­er­gy con­sump­tion through a new en­er­gy clas­si­fi­ca­tion sys­tem that pro­motes en­er­gy ef­fi­cient bar­racks and bar­rack es­tab­lish­ment. The project is a col­lab­o­ra­tion with other ac­tors in the in­dus­try like con­trac­tors, bar­rack renters, barrack-​makers and gen­er­al con­trac­tors. Peab also has well thought out con­cep­tu­al mea­sures on how to best es­tab­lish a con­struc­tion site to meet fu­ture cli­mate re­quire­ments and drive de­vel­op­ment aligned with both na­tion­al guide­lines and cus­tomers’ de­mands.

In ac­cor­dance with the An­nu­al Re­ports Act chap­ter 6 para­graph 11 Peab has cho­sen to present the statu­to­ry Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Re­port out­side of the Board of Di­rec­tors’ Re­port. The parts re­quired in a sus­tain­abil­i­ty re­port can be found under sec­tions Tar­gets and strate­gies (page 14–15), Best workplace (page 20–27), Leader in so­cial responsibility (page 32–45), Our take on sus­tain­able busi­ness (page 46–51), Reporting according to the EU Taxonomy (page 52–55), Summary sustainability data (page 56), Risks and risk man­age­ment (page 81–84) and Cor­po­rate gov­er­nance re­port (page 157–161).