Note 41 Related parties

The Group is subject to considerable influence by Mats Paulsson and Fredrik Paulsson together with families, children and companies. In 2017 the Paulsson families merged the majority of their indirect holdings into a holding company, Ekhaga Utveckling AB, which is controlled by Mats Paulsson’s son Fredrik Paulsson. Ekhaga Utveckling AB has 20.9 percent of the capital and 48.3 percent of the votes. Mats and Fredrik Paulsson together with families have 5.2 percent of capital and 11.0 percent of the votes.


The SkiStar Group is subject to considerable influence by Mats and Fredrik Paulsson with families, children and companies through their ownership of the company. Fredrik Paulsson is a member of the board of SkiStar.

Ekhaga Utveckling AB

Ekhaga Utveckling is subject to considerable influence by Mats and Fredrik Paulsson with families, children and companies through their ownership of the company. Fredrik Paulsson is CEO of Ekhaga Utveckling.

AB Axel Granlund/Volito

Karl-Axel Granlund is a member of the Board of Peab and Chairman of Volito AB which is part of the AB Axel Granlund Group.

Annehem Fastigheter

The Annehem Group is subject to considerable influence by Mats Paulsson with family, children and companies through their ownership in the company. Peab’s President and CEO, Jesper Göransson, is a member of the board of Annehem Fastigheter.

Joint arrangements

In addition to the related parties presented above the Group has a related party relation with its joint arrangements, see note 19 and 20.


In addition to the related parties relations given above for the Group, the parent company has a related party relation with its subsidiaries, see note 42.

Summary of transactions with related parties

Group, MSEK 2022 2021
Koncernen, Mkr 2022 2021
Transactions with joint arrangements Transaktioner med samarbetsarrangemang
Sales to joint arrangements Försäljning till samarbetsarrangemang 1,430 1,530
Purchases from joint arrangements Inköp från samarbetsarrangemang 196 213
Interest revenue from joint arrangements Ränteintäkter från samarbetsarrangemang 59 55
Receivables from joint arrangements Fordran på samarbetsarrangemang 1,667 1,492
Liabilities to joint arrangements Skuld till samarbetsarrangemang 11 42
Pledged guarantees/surety for joint arrangements Lämnade garantier/säkerheter till samarbetsarrangemang 3
Dividends from joint arrangements Utdelning från samarbetsarrangemang 185 384
Capital contributions to joint arrangements Kapitaltillskott till samarbetsarrangemang 221 739
Guarantee liabilities for the benefit of joint arrangements Borgensförbindelser till förmån för samarbetsarrangemang 2,655 3,080
Transactions with SkiStar Transaktioner med SkiStar
Sales to SkiStar Försäljning till SkiStar 87 198
Purchases from SkiStar Inköp från SkiStar 1 1
Receivables from SkiStar Fordran på SkiStar 5 15
Transactions with Ekhaga Utveckling AB Transaktioner med Ekhaga Utveckling AB
Sales to Ekhaga Utveckling AB Försäljning till Ekhaga Utveckling AB 74 51
Purchases from Ekhaga Utveckling AB Inköp från Ekhaga Utveckling AB 84 65
Receivables from Ekhaga Utveckling AB Fordran på Ekhaga Utveckling AB 9 6
Liabilities to Ekhaga Utveckling AB Skuld till Ekhaga Utvecking AB 11 10
Cash dividends to Ekhaga Utveckling AB Kontant utdelning till Ekhaga Utveckling AB 310 277
Transactions with AB Axel Granlund/Volito Transaktioner med AB Axel Granlund/Volito
Cash dividends to AB Axel Granlund/Volito Kontant utdelning till AB Axel Granlund/Volito 97 88
Transactions with Annehem Fastigheter Transaktioner med Annehem Fastigheter
Sales to Annehem Fastigheter Försäljning till Annehem Fastigheter 136 433
Purchases from Annehem Fastigheter Inköp från Annehem Fastigheter 83 66
Receivables from Annehem Fastigheter Fordran på Annehem Fastigheter 13 3
Liabilities to Annehem Fastigheter Skuld till Annehem Fastigheter 25 3

Summary of transactions with related parties

Parent company, MSEK 2022 2021
Moderbolaget, Mkr 2022 2021
Transactions with subsidiaries Transaktioner med dotterföretag
Sales to subsidiaries Försäljning till dotterföretag 294 326
Purchases from subsidiaries Inköp från dotterföretag 150 50
Interest costs to subsidiaries Räntekostnader till dotterföretag 42 48
Receivables from subsidiaries Fordran på dotterföretag 2,274 2,271
Liabilities to subsidiaries Skuld till dotterföretag 1,875 2,550
Capital contributions to subsidiaries Kapitaltillskott till dotterföretag 21 105
Dividends from subsidiaries Utdelning från dotterföretag 1,024
Transactions with Ekhaga Utveckling AB Transaktioner med Ekhaga Utveckling AB
Purchases from Ekhaga Utveckling AB Inköp från Ekhaga Utveckling AB 1 0
Cash dividends to Ekhaga Utveckling AB Kontant utdelning till Ekhaga Utveckling AB
310 277
Transactions with AB Axel Granlund/Volito Transaktioner med AB Axel Granlund/Volito
Cash dividends to AB Axel Granlund/Volito Kontant utdelning till AB Axel Granlund/Volito 97 88

Executive management

For information on salaries and other remuneration to the Board of Directors, the CEO and senior officers along with information on costs relating to pensions and similar benefits and agreements on retirement remuneration, see note 9. During 2022 other senior officers hired companies within the Peab Group for private services of less than SEK 1 million. In 2021 other senior officers hired companies within the Peab Group for private services of SEK 18 million. The services have been delivered at market prices.

Transaction terms

Transactions with related parties were on market terms.